Page 29 of Clan and Crave

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Page 29 of Clan and Crave

Erybet regarded the Imdiko, who was laughingat something Sletran had said. The bright, happy features of theyoung man brought tangible yearning to the group commander, and notjust below the belt. He wondered what the guy was like as a personand what had drawn him to Sletran. The Nobek was possibly Erybet’sbest soldier, but his stern dutifulness wasn’t exactly an excitingtrait.

Never mind. You have your own reports due, soget to them.

Erybet had every intention of obeying hisbetter judgment, but when his feet moved, they carried him to thepair instead of his office.

Naturally, Sletran detected his advance whilehe was several feet away. The squad leader snapped to attention.“Group Commander, sir!”

“At ease, soldier. I see you have a guesttoday.”

The Imdiko’s purple eyes met his and widened.The young man’s smile deepened.

Erybet was aware his features had a qualityoften derided by his fellow soldiers as “feminine.” He personallysaw his physical beauty as a detriment to overcome. It had taken alot of fighting, cunning, and a healthy measure of brutality toprove he deserved the right to be a ground forces soldier and hisrank as well.

For once, his pretty face wasn’t an obstacle.The Imdiko Sletran introduced as Dr. Conyod, “a friend of manyyears,” gazed at him in open admiration.

“I’m not getting Sletran in trouble for beinghere, am I?” he asked.

“We encourage significant others to witnessthe important work our soldiers do when it doesn’t involve moredangerous training.”

It was a blatant attempt to find out howinvolved the pair were. Neither Conyod nor Sletran debated the term“significant others.” Instead, they shared a look. Conyod’s grinwas brilliant. Sletran’s barely dusted his rugged mug, but thewarmth was apparent.

“I’ll be running explosives and combat drillslater. Conyod won’t be present for those,” the squad leader assuredhis superior officer.

“You’ve proven you know your duty. I have noconcern when it comes to you following regulations. Squad LeaderSletran is among my best, Doctor. Are you enjoying the tour?”Erybet wondered what branch of medicine Conyod had earned his titlein.

“Very much.” He dragged his gaze from theNobek with obvious effort. “You’re a group commander, I understand.And a Dramok, which is rare in the ground troops. Is it a difficultfield for a member of your breed?”

“I welcome the challenge. For the most part,I enjoy working alongside our natural warriors.”

“I imagine some give you a hard time, though.Don’t Nobeks regard themselves as the rightful members of theground troops, other breeds need not apply?” Conyod’s twinklingeyes slid toward Sletran, who grinned outright at the teasing.

“They learn quickly I’m no pushover. I wasactually misclassified as a Nobek when I was five and sent totraining camp for a year before they realized the mistake.”

Erybet’s statement earned Sletran’s fullsurprised focus. “I had no idea you’d been considered a Nobek atthe beginning, sir.”

“I had key characteristics, which led to theerror in classification. The trainers at the camp noted after a fewmonths I didn’t quite fit the Nobek mindset. I was too scatteredand unfocused. I questioned everything they told me to do, or Iignored them entirely.”

Sletran laughed. “Not a good idea when itcomes to training camp instructors.”

“It was eventually discovered mine was a caseof hyperactivity and an attention deficit, which led to mydestructive rages.”

“As many Nobeks of a young age tend to have.I can understand how a mistake had been made.”

“Once I was treated for those issues, myDramok qualities became obvious, and I was retested. I did enjoy myyear in camp, however, especially the fighting skills I learnedwhen I could settle down enough to pay mind to the training.”

Erybet stopped speaking. Conyod and Sletranwere listening, but their gazes constantly strayed to each other.They were wrapped up in their own world, though they allowed him todistantly orbit.

He drew himself up. “I must return to myduties. It was a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Conyod. I hope you’llvisit the base again soon.”

“Thank you, Commander. I’d like to.”

He sounded sincere. Erybet couldn’t help butsmile as he bowed to him. He wondered if he’d have a chance tospeak to the handsome Imdiko in the future. He hoped so.

Sletran kept his amusement under wraps untilhe escorted Conyod to his quarters around lunchtime. Once they wereinside where no one might overhear, he finally chuckled. “You’remaking conquests right and left, aren’t you?”

Conyod blinked at him. “Huh? What did Imiss?”

“My group commander. Erybet was practicallydrooling over you. I can’t say I blame him. You aregorgeous.” Sletran pulled him close. There’d been plenty ofadmiring glances sent Conyod’s way. Erybet’s interest had been themost obvious. The Nobek couldn’t help feeling smug to have Conyodas a committed lover.

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