Page 36 of Clan and Crave

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Page 36 of Clan and Crave

I don’t believe in ghosts. I especiallydon’t believe Hoslek ever haunted the ranch. Still, he’d seensomeone…a figure no longer there. A figure the size of his brotherwhen he’d gone missing.

Conyod continued to search for severalminutes, but there was no evidence anyone was in the area or hadbeen. Whomever or whatever had been there was gone.

Chapter Nine

Sletran had managed to wrangle a few extrahours off when he’d commed Erybet to explain the situation, so itwas mid-afternoon when he left the Tuher ranch for the base. Conyodfollowed him.

Dresk had risen that morning, looking as ifhe hadn’t been sick a day in his life. The kestarsh had madeimpatient noises at Conyod, pawed the ground, and swung his muzzleat the containment wall of his stall.

“Ha! You aren’t running the corral, much lessthe fields, with the mares today, my friend. You may feelrecovered, or you may want to convince me you’re recovered, but youhave at least two days of continued rest ahead of you,” Conyod hadwarned.

Still, the animal was acting enough of hisusual self that Tuher had judged Conyod could go home. “You needreal rest, my son. I know you’re wanted at work. Since Dresk ispast the danger, you should take care of your own life. We can keephim on track now.”

“I’ll come home on my next regular day off,”Conyod had promised his parents. Lafec and Vel had showndisappointment he was leaving, but they couldn’t argue when it wastheir Dramok insisting Conyod do so.

Beyond their hearing, Conyod had toldSletran, “Hey, I gave the time I arranged off to an intern who’sdesperate for the hours to finish his residency sooner. I hate totake them back. Any chance I can stay on the base for more than onenight?”

“Damn straight you can.” Sletran wasdelighted at the prospect of having him as a guest the next fewdays. Returning to his quarters to Conyod at the end of each day’sduty would be something to look forward to.

He commed ahead for an extended pass for hislover. Conyod packed the scant belongings he’d brought to hisparents’ home and followed the Nobek to the military base after alengthy conversation with Dresk. Sletran couldn’t help a rush ofjoy after they landed, and he greeted the man he considered hisclanmate at the visitor shuttle pad. Especially when Conyod kissedhim as if he hadn’t seen Sletran in days rather than two hoursprior.

They were headed for Sletran’s quarters, theNobek carrying their travel gear despite Conyod’s protests he couldcarry his own, when a voice calling their names caught theirattention. Sletran hid a knowing grin to note Erybet trotting tocatch up to them.

“Hello, Dr. Conyod. Squad Leader Sletran,” hegrinned when he reached them. “I hope the emergency has resolveditself satisfactorily?”

“One champion kestarsh’s life saved, sir,”Sletran said.

“I’ve heard Dresk is an amazing animal.”

Conyod appeared impressed Erybet knew thename. “He was beaten up by a bad respiratory infection. He scaredus for a couple of days, but he seems well on the mend. Do youride?”

“Sadly, no. It’s one of those activities I’vehoped to learn, but I never had time or opportunity to. I’m glad tohear Dresk is on the road to recovery.”

Grateful for the extra hours of emergencyleave, Sletran hurried to reassure his commanding officer. “I’mdropping off my things, then I’ll resume my regular schedule,sir.”

“It’s close to lunch, squad leader. Did youeat?”

“No sir, but I can have the meal at mydesk.”

Erybet waved him off. “Enjoy your normallunch, Sletran. I can’t have my top soldier off his game fromhunger. Speaking of meals…” His voice died off for an instant asunfamiliar uncertainty wavered his usual confidence. He cleared histhroat and went on. “I’d like to invite the two of you to dinnertonight, if you don’t have other plans. My treat, of course.”

Sletran blinked. His top soldier? Dinner?

Conyod beamed, as if he wouldn’t haveexpected less from the Dramok. “We haven’t talked about dinner, sounless you have a different idea in mind, Sletran?”

“Dinner would be fine. Thank you, sir.”Sletran masked his surprise, but not the pleasure he felt at beinginvited. He’d begun to hope a connection was being forged betweenhimself and his striking superior, but he’d kept it under wraps incase Erybet’s interest had been merely for Conyod’s benefit.

“Excellent.” Erybet’s smile aimed his waybefore including Conyod. “Give me an hour after you and I go offduty? Would it be acceptable?”

It would. After additional pleasantries,Erybet jogged off to join fellow officers he was due to meet forlunch. Sletran and Conyod continued to the Nobek’s quarters.

“Looks as if we’ve made an impression,” theImdiko chuckled. “You can’t say it’s just because of me, either. Isaw how he looked at you.”

Sletran shrugged, but inwardly he was alight.If Erybet were serious about courting them, there was a lot to likeregarding the situation. Especially if the three of them provedcompatible together. Erybet could make Sletran and Conyod trueclanmates, in name as well as hearts.

* * * *

Erybet looked at the laughing faces on eitherside of him at the low, round table he sat at in one of the area’sbetter restaurants. Conyod and Sletran responded to his story ofthe joke he and others had played on a fellow soldier in his rawrecruit days.

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