Page 39 of Clan and Crave
He’d grabbed the opportunity to get Conyodalone when Sletran had to report for battleground drills in thefield. Conyod had been agreeable to the tour, especially where thebase’s mental health facility was concerned. It was where Erybetwas leading him.
Erybet was almost certain he could build onthe interest he had in Conyod. He was older and had no expectationsof perfection when it came to a potential clanmate. Attraction,respect, and the nameless something that felt better than rightwhen one enjoyed the company of another…he felt those were theingredients capable of building a lasting relationship and ensurelove. Unlike infatuation, the hungry feeling in a man’s heart thatoften burned out after a few months.
He had the desperate gnawing sensation forConyod, but beneath the dizzying fascination were the importantpieces, the real foundation for a long-term bond.
Conyod was smart but young. He’d admittedSletran was his first important relationship. Erybet figured theImdiko’s infatuation for the Nobek hadn’t established the buildingblocks necessary for an enduring connection. Conyod had spoken ofSletran as his hero…certainly an overblown description realitywould eventually tarnish. Sletran was a fine officer and a decentman…but Conyod’s adoration had the markings of a merehead-over-heels crush. Erybet couldn’t take it seriously.
“Here we are,” he smiled at the Imdiko whomhe increasingly hoped to entice to a real love affair. He escortedhim into the state-of-the-art mental health facility Sletran hadneglected to show Conyod on his previous visits.
Conyod couldn’t help but be impressed by thetour Erybet took him on. The base was more than a mere physicaltraining facility for soldiers, which had been his impressionbeforehand. During past visits, Sletran had taken him to the safelocations where he drilled his soldiers, his office, and the messhall, so those areas were familiar to Conyod. As were his quarters,where they tended to rush as soon as possible when Sletran’s dutieswere finished for the day. They saw too little of each other in theflesh. Lovemaking was usually their focus when they could manageit, as well as the intimate talks in sex’s sweet aftermath.
Erybet showed him areas he’d had little carefor in Sletran’s company. He was amazed by the technological sideof battleground warfare, by the intellectual training that was justas vigorous as the physical preparation, by the support facilitieswithout which successful combat and care for the troops couldn’t beachieved.
He was dazzled by Erybet. The man’s beautywas matched by his careful attention to Conyod and how easy theImdiko found him to talk to. There was a sense of respect from thegroup commander. He never talked down to Conyod’s ignorance of howthe ground forces performed their duty to the empire. He spoke tohim as an equal, though there was a sense of him assuming casualcontrol…similar to Tuher’s easy Dramok command of his ranch andclan.
Conyod had been wrapped up in Sletran for solong, he hadn’t considered any Dramok for a romantic partner untilrecently. Erybet, who’d interested him from the start, was makingmajor inroads to challenge his past lack of noticing the leaderbreed.
“How often do you get called to actuallyfight?” he asked when they stopped for a snack in a small shop onthe site.
“In the last decade, about once every coupleof years. Bi’is and Asicar have been fairly quiet as of late, soour battalions cycle through the bases on the border with themevery six months…my group isn’t due for its turn for a couple ofyears if our enemies don’t start serous shit.”
“The Tragooms?”
“Only when we discover they’ve entrenchedthemselves on a planet or moon near the empire or Plasius orJoshada. If the fleet can’t simply blast their ships and call itdone, we go in and remind the bastards where they belong…inpieces.”
“It sounds like it doesn’t come up much.”
“The flyboys are pretty good about keepingtabs on where the Tragoom chieftains are cruising. The last time Iwas called to fight them, I was still just a squad leader. It was acouple years ago.”
Conyod thought. He recalled Sletran had beenoff-planet around that time for a four-week stretch, though theNobek hadn’t said why. He must have been part of the force Erybetwas discussing.
“It’s a good thing you don’t have clanmatesstuck on Kalquor while you maintain the empire’s safety for therest of us. They’d be worried sick while you’re gone.” The idea ofSletran having to fight murderous enemies while Conyod waited andwondered if he’d return home brought him pause. The idea of fallingfor a second clanmate in the military and agonizing over himtoo…
“I’d stay in touch as much as possible tokeep my clanmate left at home at ease.” Erybet’s fingertips brieflytouched Conyod’s arm as it rested on the low table they sat at.“Sometimes there are top secret missions, and we have to hide ourwhereabouts, even from clanmates. Fortunately, it doesn’t happenoften. Almost never, in fact.”
“Good.” Conyod smiled. “Otherwise, thewonderful mental health facility you showed me would have to takeon the civilian clanmates losing their shit.”
“Any soldier who has a clanmate who cares somuch is a lucky man, and I envy him.”
Erybet’s gaze on him was intense. Conyodwondered if his statement was in general…or if he were speaking ofhow he’d feel if he were Conyod’s Dramok.
Chapter Ten
“Where are you?” Sletran asked.
As if he didn’t know where Conyod had gone…orat least, whom he’d gone with. Squad leaders Decta and Redop hadstrolled up to him between troop exercises to tease earlier thatday.
“Nice bait you’ve set to catch yourself aDramok,” Decta had smirked, though there’d been a gleam of envy inhis eye.
“Hitching yourself to a group commander iscertainly a good move where rising in rank is concerned,” Redopagreed. “Your Imdiko friend has excellent points beyond theobvious.”
Sletran had immediately realized Conyod hadbeen seen on the grounds in Erybet’s company. Though a spark ofpleasure flashed at the information, he leveled a glare at Redop.“Do you doubt I’d deserve any promotion I may receive?”
Redop met his challenging stare with one ofhis own before bursting into laughter and slapping Sletran on theback. “Don’t get your hackles up, old friend. Anyone who has eyesrealizes the soldier you are. No one can doubt you earn yourbars.”
“Although there’ll be jealous bastards if youand the group commander become a genuine item,” Decta had said.“It’ll be fun watching you shut their mouths.”
“Maybe a certain Nobek group commander’s too.Word is Tox is trying to pick up where he and Erybet left off lasttime.