Page 44 of Clan and Crave

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Page 44 of Clan and Crave

“If I’m in the mood and my partner’sagreeable…or very badly misbehaved. I think it comes from having tofight so often for my place among mean-ass Nobeks.”

Conyod might have thought there was too muchtalking, especially when his body screamed for climax, but thesubject matter was enthralling. Not to just him, but the pairfucking him. Their pace was quickening as they discussed the gamesErybet enjoyed playing in the sleeping room.

A sudden grip on his primary made him wail. Arush of purest bliss shot down his spine. Erybet pumped once, thengrasped the base of his larger cock tightly as a wave of raptureshot from his secondary. He was coming.

The practiced clasp had him at just the rightplace and strength to thwart the eruption. Climax was right there,but Erybet wouldn’t allow it. Conyod shrieked around his mouthfulof Sletran. The Nobek groaned.

“I won’t last much longer if you keep doingthat to him.”

Erybet’s answer was a snicker. “Go ahead. Iwant your mouth on him when he tries to come and I keep him fromdoing so.”

Sletran’s cock jolted a warning. “Shit. Youare a sadist.”

Conyod uttered a pleading sound and fought tobreak free. Breathing hard, Sletran’s hips pumped, forcing him tobe quiet. The Nobek yelped suddenly.

“Are you biting my ass, you monster?”

“Shut up and fuck. Fill his mouth withcum.”

“Shit.” Sletran’s pace quickened.

Conyod had to concentrate on swallowing, orhe’d have gagged. Thinking at any level was difficult as Erybetrutted his ass, sending delicious friction to his cumspot. Theuncompromising grip on his primary kept the demanding climax atbay. Meanwhile, Sletran’s rhythm was becoming erratic, and hismoans announced he was on the verge of losing control. He muttereda mantra of “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Every now and then, a “fuck”was louder than usual, and Conyod had the dim notion Erybet wasbiting him at those moments.

Then Sletran uttered a long groan. Hisprimary jolted. In an instant, his spicy-salty-sweet passionflooded Conyod’s mouth. The Imdiko felt he’d never stop swallowingthe hot spend as Sletran shuddered against his face.

At last, the flood ended. Sighing, the Nobekslid free. He stroked Conyod’s cheek, then removed the mouthbrace.

The first strangled word from Conyod’s lipswas, “Please.” He was in an agony of yearning, his groin achingfrom denied climax.

Erybet chose to ignore him. “Sletran, givehim a good excuse to beg.”

Sletran chuffed a short laugh. He moved toConyod’s side, where he could crouch and slide his mouth on him,still imprisoning his wrists in his powerful hands.

Conyod’s hips jerked, but they kept himnearly motionless. Now he could see Erybet, gloriously nude,between his legs. His elegant, toned body loomed high over those hecommanded, an uncompromising god. The beautiful tormentor grinnedat Conyod, though tension in his jaw betrayed he was having tofight off his own release. His groin slapped the Imdiko’s ass in asteady tattoo, filling him again and again.

“Please,” Conyod croaked, surges of needrocketing through his entire body.

“You can do better than that.”

In the end, he did. Sletran’s mouth was hot,his tongue wicked, the pull of his sucking driving Conyod beyondsanity as Erybet fucked him harder with each passing second.Conyod’s yells rebounded off the walls as he pleaded for mercy, allsemblance of dignity and self-possession gone.

At last, Erybet spoke through gritted teeth.“I’m letting go, Sletran. I want to watch him come before Ido.”

The Nobek responded by sucking down Conyod tothe Dramok’s fist, which dammed him. When Erybet relaxed his grip,Sletran swallowed the entirety of the clamoring cock, his mouth andthroat tight.

Conyod lost all sense of his companions andsurroundings as lightning flashed and he exploded. Rapturedescended on him in vicious quakes. Chaotic pleasure claimed himand swept him into a maelstrom of heaving bliss.

He heard his own breathless moans before heregained sight as the surges began to ease. Little by little, theview of Sletran bent to his crotch and Erybet framed by his thighscleared.

Erybet was still fucking him, the feeling ofhis primary rubbing Conyod’s cumspot extending the quieting pulses,but his eyelids were fluttering. His breath caught suddenly, and hestiffened, his rhythm stuttering. A jolt in Conyod’s ass and aburst of warmth announced the Dramok’s release. His head fell back.His face suffused in bliss, and Conyod thought he’d never seenanyone more beautiful.

Erybet swayed drunkenly after a stretch ofnearly a minute. Sletran, who’d sat up and was stroking Conyod’strembling figure, chuckled and offered a steadying hand. Grinning,the Dramok shook his head. His hands rubbed Conyod’s thighs as hisattention zeroed in on him.

“That was amazing. You’re amazing. Are youall right?”

Conyod discovered he could speak, though hisvoice had taken on a distinctive croak. “I’m incredible. How sooncan we go again?”

“Shit.” Erybet fell over in exaggeratedhorror as Sletran roared laughter.

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