Page 46 of Clan and Crave

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Page 46 of Clan and Crave

“Idiots,” he muttered as he stalked towardthe offices of the base’s three dozen group commanders. Two of hisadvanced trainee soldiers had been sloppy on the explosives range,leading to an incident. No one had been killed, thank the ancestorsand sheer dumb luck, but a full half dozen of the company would bespending the rest of the day in the infirmary receiving skingrafts. Including the pair of morons who’d fucked up. Sletran hadevery intention of putting them right back in their medi-beds whenthey were cleared by the doctors.

“Squad leader Sletran,” Erybet’s headassistant Arima greeted when he came in. “I heard you had someexcitement.”

“I thought it best to report in person,”Sletran growled. “Is the group commander available?”

“Group Commander Tox is with him—oh, here heis.” Arima jumped up to bow as Sletran did to the Nobek who exitedErybet’s office when the door opened.

“At ease, gentlemen.” Tox didn’t pause to sayanything else. He departed, a slight smile creasing his face.

He left a familiar scent in his wake. Sletransuddenly had the feeling his day had just gotten worse.

“I’ll ask if Group Commander Erybet can speakto you now.” Arima knocked on the frame of the still-open door andwent into the office.

Erybet and I aren’t clanned. Hell, we aren’teven promised. I have no reason to care if he and another Nobek areintimate.

Nonetheless, Sletran’s stomach churned. HadErybet decided he wasn’t interested in him and Conyod afterall?

“The commander will see you, Squad LeaderSletran.” Arima returned to his post.

Sletran entered. Erybet sat behind his desk.He stood briefly to return the required bow. “Hello, Squad Leader.I heard sirens for a medical emergency go off an hour ago. Theinitial report said it was one of your trainee squads, but you hadit in hand.”

“Yes, sir.” Briefly, Sletran explained theincident. He tried to set aside the mingled scents of Erybet andTox and the distinctive aroma of intimacy.

If Erybet was concerned he’d picked up on therecent activity in his office, he showed none of it. He was allbusiness. “You’ve had that pair on report in the past, if Iremember correctly.”

“A year ago. They’d seemed to correct theirshortcomings, but here we are again.”

“I trust you won’t go easy on them.”

“I won’t. If there’s an additional incident,they’ll face charges.”

“Are they lost causes?”

Sletran shrugged. “I continue to have hopefor Nobek Gavia. He’s smart enough, and when motivated, a goodsoldier. Toli tends to bring out the worst in him, however. I’dlike to move Toli down to the basic skills squad and learn if Gaviacan do better apart from his influence.”

“Approved. Send me the transfer paperwork,and I’ll sign off on it. Your incident report?”

“You’ll have it before the end of the day. Ibelieved it best to give you the story in person, however.”

“I appreciate it. Thank you, SquadLeader.”

Erybet turned to his computer, signaling theend of the conversation. Sletran started to bow, then hesitated. Heswallowed.

“Sir, on a personal note?”

Erybet’s gaze slid to meet Sletran’s.“Yes?”

“Are you no longer interested in Conyod andmyself? You appear to have begun relations with Group CommanderTox.”

“I’m unclanned, Sletran.” The tone wasforbidding. “I’m allowed to keep my options open.”

“Indeed. However, Conyod has enjoyed yourcompany a great deal. He’s…he’s enthusiastic.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I’m not entertainingother Imdikos, nor do I intend to.”

Sletran’s heart plunged. Erybet wasinterested in Conyod, and Conyod only. He bowed stiffly. “Iunderstand. I’ll return to my duties now.”

Erybet afforded him a curt nod and focused onhis computer again. Sletran wheeled and exited the office, keepinghis thoughts and disappointment at bay.

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