Page 55 of Clan and Crave

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Page 55 of Clan and Crave

Snarling, Zyrf sat. His black glare promisedretribution.

Goodbye, career. Oh well. I’ve started. Noreason I shouldn’t take it all the way.

“Continue, soldier, but mind you stick tofacts. We aren’t interested in your feelings,” Akrij warned him ina stern tone.

“Yes sir. The facts are, High Commander Zyrfhas ordered surprise field battles between Group Commander Erybet’svarious squads and the squads of fellow group commanders at a rateabove the normal course of such exercises.”

“As is my prerogative,” Zyrf seethed.

“Yes sir, it is. However, Commander Binmej’sgroup of squads have been ordered to undergo similar exercises atotal of twice in the past year. Likewise, Commander Tox’s groups.And the squads of three additional group commanders I could name.Every one of those exercises were against the soldiers underCommander Erybet, and none other.”

“You’re saying Erybet’s group has had tensurprise field battles this year?” Nesmar appeared thunderstruck.He frowned at Zyrf, who looked positively apoplectic.

“Yes sir.” Sletran let a hint of a smirkpeek, but not enough he’d get called down for it. “Of whichCommander Erybet’s squads have won seventy percent, the highest forany group commander’s troops. Obviously, I have no complaints whenit comes to being the best. We enjoy showing our fighting readinessand proving we’re the elite.”

Akrij continued to display little emotion.“Is that all?”

“No sir. Despite our delight in adding to ourvictories, it is acknowledged by those I’ve spoken to in our group,troops and squad leaders alike, that we’re regarded as less capableby High Commander Zyrf since we aren’t led by a Nobek groupcommander. It serves to increase our determination to succeed.However, there’s an issue of newer soldiers entering our group.They tend to believe they have permission to disrespect their groupcommander, due to the example set forth by his superior.”

“It seems from your win tally, GroupCommander Erybet handles such disrespect handily.”

“Indeed, he does, sir. But it’s a shame hehas to. Imagine how much more successful his already impressivesquads would be if he didn’t have to expend energy on counteringinsubordinate displays.”

“You’ve seen this conduct yourself?Firsthand?” Nesmar asked.

“I have, sir. I nearly participated in itmyself when I was coming up in the ranks, but better senseultimately prevailed. I was tempted to be insubordinate to GroupCommander Erybet simply because High Commander Zyrf made me ashamedmy commanding officer is a Dramok.”

Akrij regarded him for a beat. He showed nosign of what he thought of Sletran’s statement. “Thank you, SquadLeader. I believe we’ve heard enough.”

“Yes sir. Sirs.” Sletran bowed and turnedsmartly on his heel. He swore he could feel Zyrf’s fury pushing himout the door.

Choke on it, asshole. It’s the least youdeserve for coming after Erybet, you breedist shit.

As he stepped into the sunlit grounds,Sletran was aware he hadn’t defended his Dramok commander justbecause it was right. Part of it had been the protective urge of aNobek who cared for another man.

A man who doesn’t share my sentiments. Nevermind. It doesn’t make me less of a Nobek to be fond of someone whodoesn’t want me in return.

Smiling and satisfied despite the naggingsensation of loss, Sletran broke into a trot to get to where workcalled.

* * * *

Three months later

“We have to properly celebrate you beinghired permanently at the hospital’s psychiatric ward. This is ahuge deal.”

“Didn’t we just do that?” Conyod grinned atSletran as they wandered to the mess hall. He was paying hisregular visit on his day off, the sky was full of sunshine, andthey’d finished making extremely satisfying love less than an hourbefore. Life was amazing.

The Nobek chuckled. “I mean a realcelebration. A party. It would have to be at your place or a rentedhall. I can’t imagine us inviting your friends and associates to mytiny quarters. And your family, of course.”

Conyod was aware Sletran was watching him ashe included his parents in the equation, but nothing could dim hishappiness. Sure, he’d held the title of doctor for over ayear and had worked at the hospital longer, but it hadn’t felt realuntil he’d completed his internship and been given permanent statusin its psychiatric unit.

“Now isn’t the time for them to break awayfrom the ranch, especially since my choice of practice is a blatantrefusal to live and work with them.”

“I’m sure they’re proud of youraccomplishments.”

“I suppose, but between my career and thelatest happenings at home, a celebration isn’t high on theirlist.”

“Latest happenings at home?” Sletran sloweddespite his stomach loudly announcing how desperately it wantedlunch. His brow wrinkled in concern. “Catch me up.”

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