Page 7 of Clan and Crave

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Page 7 of Clan and Crave

“That’s what’s fun about you younger guys,”Sletran chuckled, moving up and down on him. “You’re easy to keephard and make come a second time in a hurry. I should be ready tofuck you again by the time you’ve finished Round Two. It’ll be anice leisurely fuck, so I can enjoy you the way such a gorgeousImdiko should be enjoyed.”

“No…no argument,” Conyod gasped. He did tendto recover rather quickly, but Sletran was waking his lust inrecord time. Or maybe it was because he’d dreamed of this night forso many years. He hoped it wouldn’t be their sole night together,but he had every intention of making it count in case…

No. He couldn’t think like that. The idea ofSletran turning away after finally granting Conyod the closeness hecraved was too awful.

Then give him what it takes to keep himclose. Even if it means starting with just lust, make sure he wantsto stick around beyond tonight.

Conyod fell to worshipping the man who’drescued him from the nightmare of his childhood and adolescence,his tongue and fingers tracing those mesmerizing lines and bulgesof the other man’s impressive physique. As Sletran rose and fell onhim, he closed his fist around his engorged primary…the Nobekrecovered quick as well, it seemed…and pumped the hot flesh.Sletran voiced his pleasure in groans for a little while, thengrabbed Conyod’s wrists and pinned them to the back of the lounger,on either side of the Imdiko’s head.

The control excited Conyod. He gazed at hislover, his vision blurred as need increased. Then Sletran’s lipswere on his, his tongue sweeping Conyod’s mouth as if claiminghim.

You did that ages ago. I’ve been yours foryears.

He watched in pure love as Sletran moved overhim, those entrancing muscles rippling in a dance as he worked tobring him to the physical expression of his adoration. He cried outminutes later when bliss flowed from himself to the Nobek, allowinghim to merge intimately with the other man.

Let it last. Oh please, let thiscontinue.

When his cocks ceased jerking, Sletransighed. “You’re a beautiful man, more so when you come. I couldwatch you do it again and again.” A devilish grin spread over hisface. “So I will. Where’s the sleeping room? Never mind, I’ll findit.”

He picked up the loose-limbed Conyod, heftinghim on his shoulder. The Nobek carried him through his home. Insuch a small apartment, it didn’t take him long to locate thebedroom, much to their mutual delight. When they finally let sleepclaim them, they did so wrapped in each other’s arms.

Chapter Two

Conyod, age 15

“Nowhere to go, thief. What do you have tosay for yourself before we beat your ass?”

Conyod peered through the dirty strands ofhis hair at the jeering Nobek. His tormentor stood at the center ofa group of teen Nobeks. They’d surrounded him at the edge of theberlub field they’d chased him from. They numbered five, slightlyolder than him, he judged. They must have come from the nearbytraining camp he’d skulked past a few miles back.

It was just his luck for them to be on leavewhen he’d given in to hunger and plundered the berlub bushes of afarm. He was a thief, no two ways about it, but after two weeks onthe run, five days after he’d finished the food he’d taken fromhome, he was starving. There’d been no one in sight whenhe’d slunk into the field to fill his snarling stomach with thebright yellow berries that hadn’t yet been harvested.

Anger and shame…and a hefty dose of fear notentirely due to the young muscled Nobeks who’d chased him from thefield…brought the sting of tears to his eyes. Cornered, theevidence of his desperate wrongdoing clutched in his fists so thejuice dripped from them, he snarled, “Assault is a bigger crimethan stealing. Touch me and you’ll be sorry.”

“I doubt it. You don’t look as if you havethe sort of parents who possess the rank to protest a well-deservedthrashing.” His chief accuser smirked at the rest.

Conyod glanced down at his clothes. They weretorn from hiding in thorny bushes from those he’d feared might besearching for him. He was filthy from crouching in muddy gulliesthanks to a couple of days of downpours. His carry sack wasn’t inany better shape, one strap knotted together after it had caught ona branch and torn.

A slap to his cheek sent him reeling. Theteen he staggered toward shoved him in the middle again, and hestumbled to catch his footing as his face flamed hot pain.

“Let’s teach him a lesson,” his chiefantagonist said and grabbed Conyod by his hair. “Don’t hold back. Iwant to see blood. Make him cry like the baby he is.”

“Hold on, Gotas,” one of the boys gasped.“He’s a skinny kid. I bet he’s an Imdiko. We can’t—”

“I say we do.” The teen identified as Gotasbared fangs at Conyod’s would-be advocate. “If you’re scared, youcan run to camp. But you better hide well, where I can’t findyou.”

There was a flash of anger, but when no oneelse spoke up, the boy subsided.

“Better. To show you I don’t hold a grudge,I’ll let you have first punch, Hetnur. Step on up and—”

Conyod, who’d been alternating between tryingto pull loose from Gotas’ grip and hopping on his toes to relievethe agonizing tug on his hair, had come to a decision. He was aboutto get hurt, no doubt where that was concerned, but maybe he coulddo a little damage himself. Taking advantage of Gotas’ dividedattention, he swung his leg at his harasser’s crotch.

He was a good deal shorter than Gotas, andhe’d never been in a fight. He had to kick higher than wascomfortable. It was a weak blow, by all accounts. However, his aimwas true. His shin landed a bullseye on the Nobek teen’s sensitivespot.

Conyod’s shock he’d actually attacked someoneelse, and someone so much bigger, was matched only by the shock onGotas’ expression. The teen’s eyes and mouth formed perfect o’s aninstant before agony suffused his features. His breath left him ina curiously high-pitched whistle. He released Conyod to clutch hisassaulted privates as his knees bent and his torso curled. A lineof drool ran from his lower lip.

Conyod stood frozen, watching as the bullyoffered a thin scream as high-pitched as the whistling breath hadbeen. A dim part of his brain told him he should be running likehell, but he was too gobsmacked to have turned the tables on histormentor to do so.

“You know, kid, once you put your opponent atsuch a disadvantage, you shouldn’t just stand there. A good movewhen the enemy’s bent in pain would be to grab the back of his headand yank it down while you smash your knee in his face.”

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