Page 135 of The Backup Plan
Still in his orange hat, Cameron adjusted the microphone at the podium and spoke in his natural voice.
“Before I take any questions, I’d like to address right now the issue of my fourth-quarter exit from the game.”
He looked to Coach Keyes and waited for his nod.
“Like everyone on my team, I’ve heard all about the signs and symptoms of concussions. I took a big hit out there today, and I didn’t feel right when my guys helped me up.”
Cam cleared his throat. “I would greatly appreciate it if every one of you in this room would make space in today’s reporting for one thing besides the score. Player safety is more important than any points on the board. I believe I have the full support of my team and my coaching staff in saying that. We might have won if I’d gone back in. A piece of me was screaming to go back out there for my guys. Fight through it. Be stronger than the pain. Sometimes, you’ve got to be smarter than the pain.”
He glanced around the room until he met Avery’s eyes and smiled. “I’m so proud of Archie Hawkes for getting right in there to wrap up the game,” he continued. “None of us should hang our heads over this loss. It was a well-fought game against a heck of a team, and some things just didn’t go our way. I’m feeling all right, and our medical staff will continue to monitor my condition according to concussion protocol. We’ll update the website and UND social media with my activity status for next week as usual. I’ll take some questions.”
“Did you lose a bet?” one reporter asked, tapping her head to indicate Cam’s hat.
He patted the hat and grinned like he’d forgotten it was there. “I grew up less than an hour away, and I got this hat right here when I was a kid,” he said. “Peyton Manning signed it for me at Manning Passing Academy, and it’s one of my most treasured possessions. Since the scariest member of my P.R. team isn’t here tonight, I figured I could get away with wearing it.” He held up a hand to pause the laughter. “Did Ethan Engel wear the one I got him when you all saw him? He did? I have so much respect for Ethan and the Vols, and I am looking forward to crushing them when they come to see us next year. Next, please.”
“You’ve been Mr. Comeback all year with these fourth-quarter rallies. Was it hard for you to not see this one through?”
“Definitely. But there’s a fine line between being tough and being stupid. I listened to my coach and our trainers, and I turned my attention to what I could do for my guys from the sideline.”
Avery recognized the next person he pointed to: a reporter from Indianapolis who regularly covered home games.
“Cam, how did you get a tattoo in the middle of the season?”
“It’s not real, Brent. Just some special markers.” He pointed to the bee and smiled. “It held up pretty well, all things considered.”
“Heck of a test run,” Brent said. “Maybe it’s good luck. For your arm, anyway.”
Avery curled against him as he sprawled in the luxury of the king-size hotel bed. “Absolutely not,” she said, stroking his chest. “There will be no bouncing or thrusting or riding or blood rushing up or down until your brain is better.”
“I’ll power through. I’m a fighter.”
“Ten minutes ago, you were popping painkillers. You’re an idiot, and I love you.”
“I love you.”
She scooted up the bed and kissed him, lingering on his lips as he slid an arm around her and held her close. “And I will take care of you, Cameron. I will fuss over you when you need it and cheer you on when you don’t. You’ll never have a bigger fan. I am so proud of you.”
Color crept up his cheeks. “Did you hear my mom say she was proud of me at dinner? I couldn’t believe it. I thought after I went down she’d be in full panic mode, but she seemed genuinely happy.”
“I think she and your dad were just so happy to have you home for a little bit, they got past some of the coddling. That, and seeing you have a small army of medical staff at your beck and call was probably soothing.”
Cam’s phone buzzed with a text message.
We just got back. There’s a big box for you at the facility and it’s from Nike. What do you want me to do with it?
Is Shelby there? Has she seen it?
Yes, and not yet.
He dialed and put the phone on speaker. “I didn’t expect that to arrive for a few weeks. Is it something you can kind of scoot out of the way so she won’t be tempted to open it?”
“It’s heavy. I can scoot it, but not far.”