Page 138 of The Backup Plan
You are LUCKY I left at the whistle and didn’t see you on the fifty.
Every man on your offense came over to our bench and sent well wishes for Justin. Every man except one.
I didn’t hit him. What do you want me to apologize for?
For telling your O-line “One down, nice work” when my brother is on his back with his leg broken clean across. I heard you. Half the bench heard you.
Your own guys looked ready to punch you.
Are you fucking kidding me?
It was a joke, okay? And it was an accident.
That’s not a joke. It’s a violent game, but it should not be a dirty one. You basically called your own linemen dirty players.
You seriously fucking said that? IN FRONT OF YOUR TEAM?
Oh boy, that’s two and the caps lock. Paging @MarshallNorth.
He said it. I’ll listen to the jokes about what he does in his free time, but this is not a joke. I want him out.
Either we stand for integrity, or we don’t.
What sick bastard says that during an injury time out? IN FRONT OF YOUR TEAM? I cannot fucking believe this.
With you, brother.
Three. I didn’t know Thatcher got this hot.
I’m sooooo sorry, Cam. I’ll send a card. We good?
No. I am the only reason we didn’t clear the bench while my brother was laid out on the turf and they were ruling out spinal damage.