Page 16 of The Backup Plan
Ouch. It burns when you run up the points and the other phases can’t get it done. You’re the one who has to answer for it.
Don’t I know it.
I’m sure you did fine. It gets easier, Hammy. You learn to fake the chill and say all the right keywords about executing better on all phases and trusting the coaching staff and blah blah. Your media crew will help you. That goes for all of you.
Mine had my victory and loss speeches ready before the game for me to memorize.
Yeah, your crew is taking it a little far.
I pissed them off calling out one of my receivers by name, but he deserved a lot of credit. O-line, too. Those guys were a wall.
The media can’t say shit about what really matters, and that’s what you say to your guys when no one’s looking. Win or lose.
Amen. How did that go for you this week, Hammy? You got trial by fire.
I don’t really know. I guess I said something like “well, that sucked.” I got hit a lot in the second half, and after a few questions I was in the damn ice bath.
Class tomorrow is gonna feel awesome.
I have never said ‘class’ and ‘awesome’ in the same sentence.
Ooof, that’s always a wake-up call. The sore butt on those little plastic classroom seats.
I’d consider one of those donut cushions, but just what I need is more people noticing me. That part sucks.
Why? You’re the guy now.
I’m so tired of talking to people already. I wouldn’t talk to any of you if it required using my actual voice.
See how this week goes with everyone recognizing you, Hammy. How many kids are going to tell you how they would have won that game? Do us a favor and count.