Page 13 of His Dark Pull
“Thank you for walking me home,”I say,looking up at him with a smile.
“Of course,”he replies, returning my smile.I’llalways be here for you, Ava, no matter what.”
As I turn to enter the building, a sleek black car pulls up alongside us. The tinted windows conceal the occupants, buta sense ofunease prickles my skin. The car speeds away before I can get a closer look, leaving me with a feeling of being watched.
“Did you see that?”I ask, turning back to Tyler.
He shakes his head, his brow furrowed. “See what?”
“Never mind,”I say, dismissing it as paranoia. The encounter with Cole has left me on edge, and my senses have heightened.It’s nothing, Ava.
As we reach my apartment door, Tyler turns to face me. I feel a connection that goes beyond the physical. He leans in, his lips brushing against mine. I close my eyes, surrendering to the moment. For a brief moment, the shadows of the past fade away, replaced by the promise of a future with this kind, compassionate man. A future where I can be myself, vulnerable and loved.
“You’re so sweet, Ava,”he whispers between kisses. “I care about you so much.”
A smile touches my lips, but it feels brittle, a fragile mask. I lean in, returninghiskiss, trying to lose myself in the warmth ofhisembrace. But even as I taste the sweetness of his lips, a phantom scent lingers in my senses – the musky, intoxicating aroma of Alexander’s cologne.
I don’t know what to do, so I break the kiss.
“I have feelings for you, too,”I say, “but let’s just take it slow for tonight. This whole Cole thing has me a bit shaken up.”
“I understand,”he says, holding me close.
I relax my shoulders as we continue to kiss, each kiss becoming more passionate and intense. I feel myself getting lost in the moment, in the sensations ofhislips on mine.
Tyler’slips are soft, his kiss a gentle warmth that spreads through me.I can almost imagine a life with him, a lifefilled with strolls in the park and cozy nights by the fireplace.Safe. Predictable.
As the kiss ends, Tyler pulls back and looks into my eyes. “You’re special to me, Ava,”he says. “I want to be here for you, always.”
I avoid his gaze, unable to meet his eyes.I knowI should tell him about Alexander, but I can’t bring myself to do it. His words are so sincere. I don’t want to hurt him, and we haven’t decided to be exclusive yet.
“I care about you too,”I say, avoiding the subject. “Do you want to come in?”
His dark brown eyes spark as I return his hungry gaze. We move further into the apartment, kissing passionately in the kitchen.
“Take it slow, right?”I say between kisses, catching my breath.
“Right,”he moans and grabs my back, pulling me closer to him, so close that I can taste him. I understand where this will go if I don’t stop it. I pull back for a moment, the hurt in his eyesobvious.
But as I push him away, a part of me can’t help but think: if it had been Alexander, would I have resisted? The thought both shames and terrifies me.
“I should get going then,”he says, heading for the door. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
I mull it over again. Tyler is good for me. I need someone like him. He isgreat, everything I’ve always dreamed of a successful lawyer, handsome as hell, and sweet like cherry pie.
“No, stay,”I say, grabbing his hand. I don’t want to be alone tonight, but I don’t want to sleep. I’ve got too much on my mind.”
He hesitates for a moment, then agrees. “Tea and cookies on the couch then?”he says, seeming to understand my need to take it slow.
“That’s exactly what I need,”I say with a gentle smile.
He knows me.
I make us tea, and we sit on the couch. I’m cradling my cup in my hands. Tyler is next to me, flipping through a magazine he found lying around my small city apartment. The place is cozy, with soft lighting and warm colors. The smell of vanilla candles fills the air, and the sound of rain tapping against the windows in the dark night adds to the peaceful atmosphere.
Tonight I don’t mind the rain.
“Hey, look at this,”he says, tapping the magazine page. “This recipe for apple crisp looks amazing.”