Page 34 of His Dark Pull
Metal clangs and angry shouts paint a harsh picture of a different world.
I watch a man get fingerprinted, mesmerized and repulsed, as the ink is rolled across his fingers, leaving a dark imprint. It’s a mark, a brand, that ties him to this world of shadows. A world I never wanted to see, but one I can no longer ignore.
And then, the image of Alexander flashes in my mind. A memory surfaces, a playful game of “cops and robbers” we’d once played in his mansion. I recall the thrill of the chase, the way his laughter had echoed through the halls as he’d pursued me, his eyes gleaming with a playful mischief. The memory of his touch, the warmth of his strong arms as he’d finally caught me, sends a bittersweet ache through my chest.
Tyler’s voice breaks through my flashback, returning me to the present. There are shadows under his red eyes.
“Ava,”he says. “Do you want to grab a coffee nearby? I just finished with my dad.”
“Yes,”I reply. “Coffee sounds good.”
Not in here, not where Alexander might end up one day.
The cafe is filled with a mix of civilians and off-duty police officers, their conversations a low murmur above the clinking of silverware and the hiss of the espresso machine. Despite the people around us, Tyler and I seem to exist in our own bubble.
Tyler, my friend. I test the word on my tongue, trying to get used to it.
“How’s Harvey?”I ask, breaking the silence as the waiter brings us two Americanos.
He nods, a shadow crossing his face. “He’s—he’s doing okay. Frustrated but determined.”His gaze meets mine with a flicker of annoyance. “Ava, I need to ask—how well do you actually know Alexander?”
The question lands like a stone in the still pond of our conversation. His disapproval of Alexander surfaces with renewed force. I know his acceptance of Alexander has always been fragile, but now, with the revelation of his criminal ties, it feels like an insurmountable wall. This barrier threatens to divide us further.
Maybe we can’t be friends.
“I—I know him,”I stammer, feeling a blush creep up my neck. “Why?”
“My dad— he thinks Alexander might be behind the robbery last night,”he says.
“Alexander?”I repeat, the accusation hitting me like a physical blow.
They know.A cold sweat breaks out on my forehead.
“There’s evidence,”Tyler continues, his words threaded by a bitterness that surprises me. “Video footage, his past record. It all points to him.”
Bile rises in my throat as the air feels too thick to breathe. I want to defend Alexander, to proclaim his innocence, but the truth is, I don’t know what to believe anymore.
“I-I don’t know what to say,”I stammer, my eyes stinging with unshed tears.
“Ava,”Tyler says, his voice softening to a tone that feels almost patronizing. “I just want you to be careful. If he is involved with the Veles Network, you need to distance yourself from him. They’re dangerous, Ava. I don’t want you to get hurt. They can– kill you.”
His words are a slap of reality of the peril I’ve been ignoring, blinded by my feelings for Alexander. Still, the thought of abandoning Alexander, of turning my back on him when he might need me the most, is unbearable.
“I—I’ll be careful,”I mumble.
We sit in silence for a while. The aroma of coffee and pastries does little to mask the bitter taste of betrayal that lingers on my tongue.
“Believe it or not, I care about you,”Tyler says and gets up, “I need to go to work.”
* * *
Stepping into the familiar bustle of Spectrum Design Studio, I’m met with the usual symphony of sounds – the rhythmic clicking of keyboards, the low hum of conversations, and the ever-present scent of stale coffee that somehow feels more comforting than repulsive today. But beneath the surface of normalcy, a current of unease pulses.
You’re being silly,Ava, I chide myself, trying to dismiss the feeling as paranoia.
Yet, as I move through the office, I can’t shake the feeling of being watched, of eyes following my every move. Dorothea and Dexter, usually quick with a smile and a wave, seem engrossed in their own hushed conversation, their gazes avoiding mine.
What did I do?