Page 45 of His Dark Pull
His words are tinged with bitterness. I study him, noticing for the first time how his features, usually hidden behind oversized glasses and a curtain of messy hair, are quite handsome.I hope he finds someone.
“I appreciate your concern, Dexter. “We’re friends now, Tyler and I.”
“Alright,”he says, rising from his seat, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. If you say so,”he turns to leave, then pauses, leaning against the edge of my desk.
“I’m glad you and Tyler get along, but he was holding you back, Ava. You deserve someone who appreciates your— potential.”
“Thank you, Dexter. You’re a good friend.”
* * *
Exhaustion pulls at my eyelids as I unlock the door to my apartment, the familiar sights and sounds a welcome respite after a long day spent working alongside Dexter. I change into something more comfortable and place myself on the couch, pressing the green button on the remote. The flickering glow of the television casts dancing shadows on the walls as I curl up on the couch.
The ringing of my phone cuts through the quiet, jolting me from my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I answer, recognizing Tyler’s voice on the other end.
“Hey there, buddy,”he says, his tone attempting a casualness that feels forced.
“Hi,”I reply, trying to match his nonchalant demeanor. “How are you?”
“I’m great,”he responds a little too quickly. “Are you busy?”
“Just catching up on some work,”I lie, flipping through the channels on the TV, the images blurring together in a meaningless kaleidoscope of color and sound. I don’t feel like talking, but there’s something I need to know.
“Say, have you seen Sarah lately?”I ask, my voice casual, hoping to gauge his reaction.
A pregnant pause stretches across the space between us before he breaks the silence. His voice slices through the air like a knife, sharp and defensive. “No, why would I? She’s your friend, not mine.”
He’s lying.
My grip tightens on the phone as I shoot up my eyebrows. “Okay, Tyler,”I say, forcing my voice to remain calm. “I gotta get back to work. Did you want something?”
“Nope, just checking in, that we are okay.”
“We’re okay.”
I end the call, and the dial tone is a hollow echo. I know I need to talk to Sarah to get to the bottom of this, to understand why she and Tyler have been together, why he is lying about it, and what role they are playing in the game that has become my life.
Slipping on my shoes and grabbing my coat, I head out into the night, the city streets alive with Friday night energy. As I approach Sarah’s apartment building, a wave of conflicting emotions hit me– anger, betrayal, and a desperate hope that there is a logical explanation for it all.
Taking a deep breath, I push open the heavy door and enter the dark lobby. The smell of old carpet and mothballs contrasts with the fresh air outside. My footsteps echo on the worn stairs as I climb to her apartment.
Standing before her door, I take another deep breath, my hand hovering over the buzzer. A sense of nervousness, unusual for me, makes my stomach clench. I press the button.
I don’t mind it if they are together, but why are they lying about it?
The door swings open almost immediately, revealing Sarah in a tight yoga outfit, her face devoid of makeup, her eyes puffy and red-rimmed. It is a sight I rarely see.
“Ava, hi,”she exclaims, her face brightening with genuine surprise. “What brings you here?”
I step inside, my eyes scanning the small, cluttered apartment, books and clothes piled haphazardly on every surface. The scent of incense fills the air, a sweet, cloying aroma.
“I need to talk to you,” I say.
“Of course,”she replies, leading me to the couch and gesturing for me to sit. “What’s going on?”
I hesitate for a moment, unsure of where to begin. “I know that you and Tyler have been meeting,”I say. “And he’s been lying about it. Don’t you dare lie to me too, Sarah. I want to know why.”
Her expression turns serious, and her gaze drops to her hands as she twists the fabric of her yoga pants. “Ava, I—.”she begins, her voice hesitant. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”