Page 19 of No One Like You
Megan: What kind of friend should I be jealous
The conversation paused there. After a minute, Megan started to get worried that she had said the wrong thing and upset Tasha.
Megan: Kidding!!!!!
After even more time passed, Tasha finally replied.
Tasha: About that. Full disclosure Maria and I dated briefly
Megan: Ok
Tasha: It was a couple years ago and we are friends now
There was another pause.
Tasha: Fuller disclosure it was at the end of 2020 We met at a singles mixer
I was looking for a holiday date but the guys there sucked We started chatting and hit it off
Megan: So what happened
Tasha: We went out a few times We decided we were better friends
Megan: No connection?
Tasha: Yeah No connection
Megan: Even though there was no connection Was there still a CONNECTION
Tasha: OMFG UR terrible
Megan: You still love me though
Another pause.
Tasha: Yes, I love you. Ok Fullest disclosure We slept together
Megan: Did she punch your Lesbian V Card
Tasha: That’s not a thing And yes
Megan: Did you break up because the sex was bad
Tasha: OMFG UR the worst No it was amazing
Megan: Did she break up with you because you were bad at girl sex
Tasha: I have never had any complaints Including from Maria
We had a spark but not a fire
Megan: I get that Thank you for telling me Yes to friendsgiving
Tasha: Great