Page 42 of No One Like You
“What? Really? Why?”
“Because you looked stunning in that dress, that’s why.”
“I did look good. Fine, I can do that.”
“Lovely! I’ll have a grand time with Sophia and you must send me selfies from your party.”
“I will! Thank you, Maria!”
“You’re very welcome, Tasha. Have a wonderful day!”
“You, too! Bye!”
Once her lunch was over, Tasha tuned into some Diana Ross. At three, Kevin scheduled a team meeting to, as he said, “Get everyone pumped up to finish this year strong.” The meeting was as depressing and demotivating as Tasha imagined it would be, yet somehow Kevin seemed to think it was an immense success. She sometimes wondered how anyone could be that detached from reality.
After the meeting was finally over, she let Gloria Gaynor remind her that she would survive. After the message of hope, she got into some early Madonna, followed by Blondie. Then, as the clock ticked interminably toward five thirty, she put on Loverboy’s “Working For the Weekend” to help her endure those last few minutes.
She got lucky with the bus, having a minimal wait time and a short commute. Once home, she gave Sophia a big hug, gave Nocturne some uncomfortable (for a cat’s dignity) cuddles, and then gave Megan a quick hug too.
“Ugh, I am so glad it’s Friday!”
“Me too!”
“How was your day?”
“Really good. The kids were relatively well behaved. I got a new assignment—I’ll be over at Grant next week. How was your day?”
“Eh, it was okay. Kevin gave us a motivational speech,” she said with a shudder.
“Oh, I bet you feel truly motivated now!” The sarcasm in Megan’s tone ran very deep.
“Let me guess, You’ve been motivated like this before?”
“Yes, I have. Please tell me that there was a presentation, with lots of pictures and motivational quotes!”
“Ugh, thankfully no. Please don’t give Kevin any ideas. Speaking of… my company’s holiday party is next Friday night. Would you be my plus one?”
“I’d love to, but I’d have to?—”
“Already ahead of you. Maria said that she would watch Sophia.”
“Really? Divorce lawyer and babysitter? That’s interesting.”
“Yeah, about that. She said that she needs you to bring Sophia over right after you both get out of school.”
“Huh, that’s weird. That’s fine, I guess. Did she say why?”
“No, but Maria can be—” Tasha paused, searching for the right words. “Not crazy. When you’re rich, it’s eccentric.”
“Oh, shit, I never asked her what her fees were.”
“I was focused on other things. I don’t think she brought it up.” Megan was looking panicked.
Tasha said soothingly, “Well, hopefully she gives you the ‘friends and family’ discount. It’s not like she needs the money. She did a few divorces for the ex-wives of tech billionaires, so I’m pretty sure that she’s already set for life.”
“I’ll ask about fees when I see her next. She had the papers delivered today.”