Page 56 of No One Like You
Megan didn’t look sure, but she was ushered into the chair and then surrounded by a flurry of activity. After about thirty minutes, Maria called a halt to the proceedings.
“Before you get too far, this Hollywood look needs something more. Megan, go into the closet there. I believe that’s where you will find your dress.”
“Maria, what? This is fine.”
“Trust me, the mom look is wonderful for a teacher, but you need to up your game tonight.”
Megan reluctantly stood up and went into the closet. “Holy shit! Maria, get in here right now.” The anger in her voice brooked no argument.
“Forgive me a moment, Sophia. I must tend to your mother.” With that, Maria glided to the closet and entered. “What’s wrong, Megan?”
“What’s wrong?” Megan hissed. “This dress probably costs more than I make in a year! I can’t wear this!”
“Oh, it assuredly does, dear. It’s my gift to you.”
“Gift? Why? Hell, we never even talked about your fees for my divorce.”
“As to why, it is because Tasha loves you, and you love her back.”
“She told you?”
“She called me in a panic last Sunday and told me that she loved you. I trust that she told you that. You haven’t run off and are in fact going to a holiday party with her, which tells me that you reciprocate her feelings.” Maria enjoyed Megan’s shocked look. “As to my fees, I am the preferred divorce lawyer for the soon-to-be ex-wives of hedge fund bros and tech billionaires. Women who supported their husbands, raised families, and then were discarded for a younger model. I don’t charge much, but when the payout is that many millions, well, let’s just say that I don’t really need to work ever again. But I carry on because I do so enjoy ripping their cheating balls off. But you, Megan, have brought joy to Tasha’s life, and that is payment enough. Besides, what’s the point of being rich if you can’t make people's lives better?”
“I… I don’t know what to say.”
“Say yes to the dress, or whatever that saying is. Put this on, let the team finish their work, and then go see Tasha.”
“I don’t know how to thank you.”
“Just say thank you. Oh, and make Tasha happy.”
“Thank you.”
“One last thing. Send me selfies.” Maria giggled as she went back to Sophia. She kept Sophia distracted as Megan exited since she wanted this to be a fun surprise for her as well. It was after five thirty when they finished. It had taken a team effort, but they were professionals of the highest caliber and worth every penny. Maria stood up and told Sophia to close her eyes, with no peeking allowed. She personally added the shoes to complete the outfit.
“Sophia. Open your eyes, dear.”
“Mommy! You’re beautiful! You look like a princess!”
Megan blushed.
“You’re right, Sophia. But our princess is missing something.”
Maria hurried from the room, returning shortly thereafter. In her hands, she held a silver tiara, which she handed to Sophia. “Here, darling. Put this on your mother.” Megan bent down as Sophia placed the tiara in her hair. “Perfect! And now, Princess Megan, your chariot awaits. Technically a limousine, but we’ll call it a chariot for now.”
Tasha was feeling much better on Friday after her talk with Megan the night before. Work passed mostly uneventfully. There was a sense of eagerness in the office as the day progressed. The company holiday party typically wasn’t a lavish affair, but it had an open bar, and the food was generally really good—although it was hard to get a bad meal in Portland.
Anyway, free food and drinks was fun, plus there was usually a well-stocked raffle. Even Kevin was taking a break from being horrible.
Late afternoon, Tasha was notified that a courier had arrived for her, which was unusual. Opening the package, she found stiletto heels and black stockings, along with a note. I suspect that you might have forgotten accessories. Love, Maria. Tasha had been planning on leggings and Doc Martens. She debated whether to stay with her original plan or accept that Maria was meddling and just go along. The leggings and Doc Martens would be comfortable, but the stockings and stilettos did go better with the dress. At quarter after five, Tasha headed for the bathroom to change and make sure that her hair and make-up were in good shape. When she emerged after five thirty, everyone was already on their way to the lounge where the party was being held.
Tasha arrived at the party and said hi to her co-workers. Everyone else was in their work clothes, and Tasha began to feel self-conscious. She made her way to the bar to get a rum and Coke, light on the rum. As she sipped her drink, her anxiety increased. This was a dumb idea. Why did I invite Megan to this? Why did I wear this stupid dress? Oh yeah—Maria. She’s up to something. Well, maybe we can just stay for a few minutes, have a drink, and then go have a girls night like Megan suggested. Oh, great, here comes Kevin.
“Hi Tasha. When do we meet your plus one?”