Page 68 of No One Like You
Tasha slowly surfaced from a deep, relaxed sleep. Yesterday had been long and tiring, but very productive. She felt confident that they could finish the move today. But right now it just felt good to stay cocooned in these sheets… Sheets that were touching the bare skin of her chest! Relief flooded in when she remembered that Sophia was sleeping in her own room.
What happened last night? We put Sophia to bed. Then we got into bed. I think our clothes were on. Then Megan started giving me a back rub. Then my shirt came off. I can’t remember much after that. Ummm… Tasha reached down to check. I still have panties on, so we probably didn’t do anything too crazy.
She could hear Megan gently snoring next to her. Well, it’s definitely been a very long time since I woke up like this with another person in my bed. Tasha rolled over and studied the back of Megan’s head. She could see Megan’s natural red hair, intermingled with a few grays, peeking out from underneath the waves of purple.
Mmm, I’m good with this. Damn, she looks good. Of course, the moment she thought that, Megan farted in her sleep. Yep, still good with this.
Tasha lay there for a few minutes, just enjoying the peaceful morning. Eventually, though, she got curious. Tasha shuffled closer to Megan and reached over, gently touching Megan’s shoulder blades. Feeling no shirt there, her fingertips traced downwards.
Okay, panties are there. Did I take off her shirt? Did she? She has a really nice ass.
Megan grunted and Tasha quickly pulled her hand away. Please say she didn’t feel me grabbing her ass.
“Tasha,” Megan mumbled, “were you just feeling my ass?”
“Um. I was just checking to see if you were still wearing anything.”
“Uh huh…”
I hope that she’s okay with that. “And, um, you are, so that’s good.”
“Uh huh…”
Is it a bad sign that she hasn’t turned over? Does she sound amused? I should probably stop talking. Why can’t I stop talking?
“I woke up without my shirt and then I made sure that I still had panties on.”
“Uh huh…”
She definitely sounds amused now.
“And then I found out that you didn’t have a shirt on, and um…”
“Uh huh…”
Did she just giggle?
“I couldn’t remember anything after you took my shirt off and rubbed my back, and I wanted to make sure that we didn’t… you know… do stuff.”
“So, you were feeling my ass while I was asleep because you were worried that I took advantage of you in your sleep?”
She’s not really angry, right? Because I’m not sure.
“Um, when you put it like that, it sounds really bad.”
“Uh huh…”
I’m pretty sure that she’s smiling. She needs to roll over because I can’t tell. Why can’t I stop talking?
“I didn’t mean… um, I’m sorry that I was feeling your ass.”
“So, you didn’t like feeling my ass?”
“No! Your ass is amazing! I, uh?—”