Page 72 of No One Like You
It’s honestly not fair that anyone is that gorgeous when they just woke up.
“I wasn’t expecting such a crazy weekend, but I am so glad that it happened. Thank you for talking in bed last night. I felt like we were back in college and it made me realize all over again just how much you mean to me.”
“Thank you, I really enjoyed that, too. Although, in college we were in different beds and we weren’t topless. I think that this is a big improvement.”
“Oh, definitely. Megan, last night as we were talking… Something about being skin to skin while we talked about our future and our hopes and dreams... I guess that I really felt our love on a deeper level.”
“I really felt that, too. It was like we were just melting together. Your skin is amazing, by the way.”
“Yours, too.” Tasha couldn’t help but smirk when she added, “And, your boobs are absolutely fantastic.”
“Fantastic boobs, really? By the way, Tasha, have I ever told you that you look stunning, even with bedhead?”
“Um, no. But thank you! I was just thinking how unfair it was that anyone was as gorgeous as you are when you just woke up.”
“Thank you, too. We should probably stop admiring each other and actually get up.”
“You are no fun at all.”
“Take that back! I’m fun! Hey, speaking of fun, what do you think about setting our alarms earlier and getting in some yoga to start our day?”
Tasha groaned. “You want to get up earlier? What kind of monster are you?”
“Trust me. It gets the blood flowing and really helps your energy levels throughout the day. I used to do that most mornings, you know, before we came to live with you. I kinda miss that routine.”
How is Megan so enthusiastic about this?
“I’m not sure about this, but we can try it tomorrow.”
“Yay! See, now we’re both pushing our comfort zones. Okay, let me go see if Sophia is awake.”
“Uh, Megan? You might want to put a shirt on first.”
“Oh my gosh! Good call!”
She’s super pretty when she blushes like that, too.
They set about their morning routine, which was slightly different with a new place, but not much. The biggest challenge was keeping Julius in their bathroom and keeping Nocturne out. Both cats were very curious about each other. As usual, Megan was out the door first.
Today she was headed to a middle school for the first time. Tasha walked Sophia to school. She really enjoyed this part of her new morning routine. It probably wouldn’t last much longer. All too soon, Sophia would be in middle school and probably wouldn’t want Tasha walking her to school every day. That realization was bittersweet as it also revealed how much Tasha was looking forward to being part of Sophia’s life as she grew up.
They let go of each other’s hands when they reached the school. Tasha bent down and said, “Sophia, I love you, and I hope that you have a great day.”
“I love you, too, Mama Tasha!” She gave Tasha a big hug before running off to join a gaggle of new friends.
Smiling, Tasha headed for the bus stop. On her commute, she checked her phone and saw an email from Brad.
It read:
Hey Tasha,
I finished both of the books that you asked me to read. I haven’t written a book report in twenty years and I don’t know how to start. It’s important to say that reading these books really opened my eyes to the horrible injustices inflicted on Black Americans. Not just Black Americans. The system has been weighted to favor guys like me from the start and that impacts everyone. I’m very sorry for the hurt that I caused you with my ignorance. I’m sorry for hurting Megan and Sophia. I’m sorry for being a pile of shit, as you said. I’m going to do better. I’m going to be better. As you said, so that Sophia can be proud of me, but also so that I can be proud of me.
Tasha emailed back: