Page 3 of Outlaw
“Really,” I interrupt, my stomach clenching, “I appreciate it. I mean, you seem like a nice guy, but…” I don’t want to be hauled off to jail.
“Not taking no for an answer.” Carmen punches her brother on the shoulder. “Your both alone and it’s Friday night. What’s one dinner?” She squishes up her face. “Please… it would make me so happy to know my big brother and my friend weren’t spending the night in solitude.” I feel an ulterior motive in her voice, but I can’t be sure. Maybe she knows I robbed two banks, and this is their way of working together to haul me in without a scene.
Outlaw spins the chair back until he’s facing me. His tone is so deep that my clit begins to throb with the bass in his voice as he says, “You know she’s not going to quit until we agree, and I am free for dinner tonight.”
“I appreciate it, but I—”
“Great! It’s all set then. You and Outlaw, dinner tonight. Let’s say… eight? Mullet’s bar has a great band playing and I’m pretty sure Friday is all you can eat chips and salsa.”
The fact that it’s a crowded, dimly lit place is better than the alternative, but my stomach is still knotted. This man might be big, sexy, and keep handcuffs in his pocket, but this is my worst nightmare.
The urge to run rattles up through me and I have to physically restrain myself from doing so. I grip hold of the edge of the counter and try to control my thoughts.
One story in particular keeps circling back. A story my grandma told not too long before she died. I was grown, but she still loved fairytales and I still loved listening to anything she wanted to tell me. This one in particular was about a vagrant outside the castle wall. The girl slipped into the palace desperate for a meal but instead of sneaking around and hiding, the girl dressed like a princess. She acted like she belonged.
Maybe that’s what I need to do—act like I belong.
I glance toward Outlaw, watching as bits of his hair fall to the ground with the shave. I can do this. It’s one night. One night of pretending to be a princess while I take on the quest of tricking the sexy bounty hunter.
I can do this!
Chapter Two
The bar is crowded. Overcrowded even. Drinks clink, voices murmur, and the band that’s playing blends with the sound of the fight on the TV being played overhead. If I’d chosen a place to take a woman on a date, this wouldn’t be where we’d go. I’m not even sure I’ll be able to hear her talk.
Mullet, the guy who owns the place, makes his way toward my table. He doesn’t serve drinks anymore, but he hangs around and makes conversation with folks who come through.
“Hey, man. Haven’t seen you in a while. What’s new?” He lands a pitcher of foaming beer on the table. “You here alone?”
“Not tonight. Meetin’ someone for a first date. You, ugh, you have a packed house tonight.”
“Yeah… folks really like these cover bands. I didn’t think the newer country would get folks as excited, but this is the busiest we’ve been all year. How are things with your MC? I hear you’re doing bounty work now.”
I didn’t want news to travel that we were working up here. “Trying to keep it on the low, but yeah, we’re working. If you see anyone new or anything weird, send me a text—”
“Hey.” Tilly steps into view. She’s wearing a short black dress that clings to her thick hips and her dark hair is curled and rested on her shoulders. There’s no denying she’s gorgeous. It’s more than that. She’s stunning. “Sorry I’m late. I’m not used to getting dressed up and leaving the house. I forgot how long it takes.”
Mullet reaches out his hand. He’s a big guy with a long beard, and well… a mullet. “Haven’t seen your face before. I’m Mullet. This is my bar. You here to see this old bastard?”
She smiles and slides into the booth. “Something like that.”
“Well then, I’ll let you two get to it. If you need anything special, let me know.”
“Actually,” I hold up my hand, “if you still have that private room free, I’d love to use it.”
“Oh yeah?” Mullet tilts his head to the side as though he can’t figure out my angle. “You can’t see the band from in there. You can hear ‘em, though.”
I glance toward Tilly. “Do you need to see the band?”
The color drains from her face and she swallows hard. When she finally speaks, her voice is at least two octaves higher as she squeaks, “No. That’s fine.”
I nod and reach for her hand, helping her up from the booth. She smells sweet, like wildflowers.
“I’ll take you two back there and get you settled with drinks,” Mullet says. “Can I get you anything to eat? We’re doing bottomless salsa tonight.”
“Yes!” Tilly responds quickly. “Nachos. Oh, and whiskey, double the sour.”