Page 29 of Need You Now
Connor entered MBR using the back door, hoping he could slip upstairs and grab a quick shower before the morning meeting. His clothes were still damp and wrinkled due to them lying in a pile on the floor all night. But Connor was still riding the high from his night with Abby too much to care what anyone thought.
“Look who’s doing the walk of shame,” Jason said, leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee.
“No shame here,” Connor deadpanned.
Definitely no shame. Not the first time he and Abby made love in the ocean. Nor the second as they showered off the sand and sea. Nor the third less than an hour ago before he left.
Jason studied him. “I can see.”
“Going to grab a shower. Be down in ten.”
As Connor passed Jason to get to the stairs, his brother reached out and put a hand on his forearm. “You know what you’re doing, right, bro?”
After getting out of rehab, Connor looked at each day with a new appreciation. Determined to get his life on track, he worked hard and liked the fame that came from co-starring on a hit reality TV show. People recognized him when he went out, and it wasn’t because he was that poor kid. Strangers recognized him for his accomplishments and the success of the show, which helped build up his confidence.
However, after the incident with the unintended sex post, Connor had lost faith in people and his own judgment. Almost a year later, he still avoided any entanglements.
Now, he spent his free time meditating, doing yoga, surfing, and playing his guitar, which helped him think about what he wanted long term. He wanted more than a one-night stand with someone who only wanted to say she fucked a celebrity.
Been there, done that. Not going back.
Connor wanted to feel alive and whole with someone who cared about him…someone he could build a future with. Last night with Abby had gone a long way to helping him achieve both.
“I know what I’m doing,” Connor said.
“Okay.” Jason relaxed his grip. “If something changes and you need an ear, you know I’m there for you. Anytime. Anywhere.”
As one of the three people who knew what it was like to grow up in the Maguire household, his brother would always watch out for him. One hundred percent. They’d stuck together through thick and thin. Through drunken fights with their father, having to ask the neighbors for a couple of eggs so they’d have dinner, Connor’s drug addiction, flipping their first house, celebrating their contract for Beach House Flippers, starting their business on Pelican Bay. No matter what, they had each other’s backs.
“I know, bro. Thanks.”
“I’ll have another coffee ready when you get down.”
Connor nodded and jogged up the stairs.
Twelve minutes later, he entered the conference room, notebook in hand. “Where are Jenna and Ev?”
“Seems everyone is off to a late start today,” Jason muttered.
“Someone’s cranky this morning,” Jenna said, sauntering in and dropping a Shore to Please bakery box on the table and heading toward the kitchen.
“I’m not cranky,” Jason called after her.
Connor pounced on the box, in dire need of calories to restore the energy he’d spent during his night with Abby.
Evan entered the conference room, a chipper smile on his face despite the early hour. “Morning.”
“Who are you?” Jason asked. “Usually, you’re half-asleep when we drag your ass in here before nine.”
“Maybe I’m getting used to your crazy hours. And what’s with you? You didn’t get any last night?”
Jenna walked in with two mugs of coffee. Connor caught the flush in her cheeks and the slight linger of hands as she handed Evan a mug.
Perhaps Evan’s streak of celibacy had also been broken last night.
Good for him.
“Let’s get started,” Jason said. “I got a call early this morning about more vandalism at one of our properties.”