Page 15 of Alpha Chained
A sound makes my head turn.
She’s pushed herself up, supporting herself on her palm as she stares at me.
Not at me. As I move my knife down to the steak, her eyes follow it. Then back up again when I bring another piece of meat to my mouth. She stares at my lips as I chew and swallow once more. She licks her own lips.
She’s hungry.
They haven’t fed her.
I think back over the days since she’s been here, and not once have I seen them bring a tray to her cell. It’s possible she’s eaten during those times she’s been away, but somehow, I doubt it. Frankly, I don’t really want to think about what they’ve been doing during those times she’s away.
Motherfucking Parker!
If I ever get my hands on the man, he’s going to pray for death before I end him. The things I would do…the things-
I’ve forced myself not to fantasize about how I’d kill him – it does me no good.
She needs to eat.
Lifting my plate, I stand and head to the bars that separate us. She’s still staring at me. Spearing a large chunk of meat with my fork, I hold it through the bars.
“Here,” I say. She eyes me suspiciously, licking her lips again. The tip of her tongue is pink as it sweeps over her bottom lip, which is lush and plump. I try to ignore it, focusing on where I’m holding out the food. “You need to eat,” I tell her.
She looks around cautiously, her eyes wide.
“They won’t be back for a while. We get half an hour to eat before they clear the trays.” I move my hand, drawing her attention to the food I’m holding.
Slowly, she stands and takes a hesitant step forward. I wait patiently, staying still as she reaches for the fork. Our fingers brush. Something that feels like sparks tingles through my skin, and for a second, I almost drop the damn fork.
What the actual fuck?
She’s sucked in a breath and has her eyes fixed on my face.
“Eat.” My voice is hoarse. I step away from the bars.
I watch as she takes the meat and starts eating. She devours it greedily, her hands trembling slightly as she lifts each bite to her mouth. The bones of her wrists are stark against her pale skin, jutting out like sharp angles. Her cheeks are hollow, and shadows cling to the contours of her face. The sight stirs something deep inside me – anger, pity, and a reluctant admiration for her tenacity.
Yet, despite her gaunt appearance, there’s something almost sensual about the way she eats. The way her lips close around each morsel, the way she chews slowly, savoring the taste even though she’s clearly starving. I can see the relief in her eyes as the food starts to give her some strength back.
I shift uncomfortably, trying to ignore the stirring in my gut.
Think about something else.
But my eyes keep returning to her, watching the subtle movements of her throat as she swallows, the way a strand of strawberry-blond hair falls across her face. She brushes it back absently, never pausing in her hungry chewing and swallowing. A trickle of juice drips onto her chin and she wipes it away, then licks her fingers. That tugging in my gut grows stronger.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
The woman is wasting away, and my cock is swelling at the sight of her eating.
Snap out of it!
I haven’t been near a female for so damn long; that’s all this is. Just biology reacting to proximity. Nothing more.
She finishes the piece of meat and looks at me, uncertainty flickering in her chestnut eyes. I grab another slice from my plate and pass it through the bars. She hesitates for a moment but then takes it with a nod of thanks. No words needed; the gratitude is clear enough.