Page 21 of Alpha Chained
“And I want a room of my own,” I hear Riot saying. “We’ll need privacy.”
Oh, hell no!
Parker is slapping his knees he’s laughing so hard. “Did you hear that, bitch?” He aims the words at me. “Looks like you’re in for a wild ride! The man hasn’t had a piece of ass in a decade, so brace yourself.” He turns back to Riot. “Fine, collect your things and get cleaned up. We’ll have a new little love nest ready when you get back.”
“Good,” says Riot, heading into his cell. He’s not even looking at me.
“Get the girl,” Parker tells the guards, who step toward my door and yank it open, barging toward me. I shrink back. Riot makes a sound that sends a shiver over my skin, and the guards stop short.
“Don’t hurt her,” he growls. “You don’t lay a hand on her. She’s mine now.” The guards exchange glances.
“You heard the man,” says Parker. “Don’t damage the goods.” He snorts in amusement. “Guess it’s going to be hard enough with that arm the way it is.”
Riot makes another of those sounds. A throat-rattling growl that seems to start in his chest. The tiny hairs on my arms prickle up.
“We’ll run her through the showers,” Parker is saying before he looks at the guards. “Take her to the ablutions, men. God knows the bitch stinks after the past few days.”
I feel a wave of shame. It’s not like I’ve had any choice in the matter. Although, if I smell bad, maybe Riot won’t want to touch me.
Because there’s no way I want him to touch me.
Of course I don’t.
Riot ignores Parker, who’s leering slightly as the guards hover near me…cautiously. “Go with them, girl. You know there’s no point in fighting this.”
I know he’s right. Reluctantly, I stand and let them guide me out, hating the fact that I’ve become this easy to manipulate.
“I have to admit, she’s a looker, kid. I can’t fault your taste. I might have made a little cash on her from the flesh circuits. Those freaks have all sorts of strange…predilections.” Parker runs an eye over me. My stomach churns. “But then, who am I to judge, right? As long as their money’s good.”
I don’t hear Riot’s response – if he makes one – because I’m being led down the hall and out of the cell block.
“Showers are in there.” The taller guard beside me nods at a door leading off the hallway we’ve just stepped into. The other one pushes it open. As I walk through, he moves to follow me, but the bigger one bars him with an arm. “You heard the Beast. She’s his now. Go in there, and he’ll probably eat your eyeballs.”
“Fuck. Good point,” the other one mutters. “All I can say is I’m glad I’m not her.”
The last words I hear as the door closes behind me are, “Did you see what he did to those fuckers out there tonight. Made me wanna puke.”
Great. Just freaking great.
I shiver, even though my arm is making me sweat. It’s healing, but it still hurts like hell.
The room is spacious but sparse, designed for function rather than luxury. Rows of shower stalls line one side, and toilet stalls line the other. The bare white walls are windowless, just like every other room in this place. A bright fluorescent light makes the walls seem almost blinding.
Walking inside, I find a bench and gingerly strip off, discarding my filthy clothes gratefully. I head to the closest stall, turn on the faucet, then step under the steaming spray and let it pelt my skin. The water stings where Parker’s goons worked me over, but I don’t care. I just want to feel clean again.
Riot wants me as some sort of sick prize? I can’t wrap my head around it. Sure, the man is built like a beast, with those strange silver eyes that seem to cut through me whenever he looks at me…but he was kind to me. He shared his food. Protected me from the guards.
Was it all an act? Some sick game to get me to let my guard down? I swallow hard at the thought.
No, I can’t believe that.
There was something in his eyes when our gazes met. A flicker of…recognition, maybe? Longing? I’m not sure, but it didn’t seem predatory.
At least, I don’t think it did.
The door clangs open, and I stiffen, pressing back against the tiled wall.
Parker strolls in, that infuriating smirk plastered on his face. He tosses something at me, and I flinch as it hits the floor of the stall.