Page 3 of Alpha Chained
Franklin throws his head back with a bark of humorless laughter. “Save your breath, wolf-girl. You’re my insurance policy for getting out of this shithole alive.”
With that, he wrenches me away from the wall, his free hand fisted in my hair to steer me forward. I cry out at the sharp pain, tears stinging my eyes as I stumble alongside him. Every instinct screams at me to fight, to claw and tear my way free of his grasp.
But I can’t. Not with that silver bullet aimed at my skull, a silent promise of death if I resist. I’m powerless, a captive of this vile human who knows too much about my kind.
So I allow him to drag me, fighting down dread at whatever fresh hell awaits.
The sound of an engine nearby alerts me to what’s about to happen next, and I pull back, but my resistance is met by another sharp jab of the gun at the back of my head.
“This is your brainstem, girl. I can assure you won’t survive a bullet here.” He shoves me, and I cry out as I’m pushed into the back of a large, armored SUV.
No, God, no!
He’s really planning to take me – to cart me off like some kind of animal.
“Get us out of here. Fast!” he barks at the driver.
The engine roars as the driver guns it, and we lurch forward, tires squealing. I scramble to brace myself as we careen through the narrow streets, headed straight for the massive front gate. There’s no slowing down, no attempt to find a way around. We’re going to ram right through it!
“Oh my God…” I choke out, instinctively shielding my head as the unforgiving metal barrier rushes toward us.
The impact is jarring, the sound of screaming metal deafening in the enclosed space. I’m thrown sideways, hitting the opposite side of the car hard, pain exploding through my shoulder.
Franklin is cursing, struggling to right himself as the driver floors the accelerator. We’re hurtling ahead at breakneck speed down the pitted road that leads to Steel Lakes. I chance a backward glance, twisting my neck to get a better look, and my heart clenches.
Steel Lakes – my home, the only life I’ve ever known – is receding into the distance. I’m being taken from it, ripped away by a deranged animal who knows far too much about my kind.
And there’s no way back.
Chapter 2
My heart stutters as Steel Lakes disappears from sight. Everything I know. Everyone I love. My entire life…is all there. And now, it’s gone.
Not gone! I can get back! I will!
I won’t allow myself to give up hope. This man at my side may be in league with the Devil himself, but he’s still only human.
I am not.
I feel a tingle as the change starts within me, my claws extending, fangs growing longer-
“Don’t even think about it.” A sharp jab beneath my ribcage has me stopping. “At this angle, the bullet will rip through your lung and into your heart. Death won’t take long.”
I grit my teeth and force the wolf in me to simmer down.
You’ll get your chance…be patient…
I just have to pray that he lets his guard down at some point. I stare numbly out the window, my mind racing as the world flashes by in a blur. No matter which way I look at it, I can’t see a way out. Not yet, at least.
If I try to make a break for it now, he’ll just shoot me. And even if I manage to get out of this racing metal deathtrap, being flung out at this speed means serious injury, if not death. And if I’m injured, I’ll be even more vulnerable than I am right now.
No, I need to bide my time. Wait for the right moment.
Be patient. Just be patient.
The thought makes my wolf snarl inside, straining against the chains I’ve locked it in. Patience has never been my strong suit.