Page 56 of Alpha Chained
There’s a tense pause before he responds. “Raura?” His head pokes over the top of the wall. “How do I know it’s really you?”
“Because you’re looking right at me, you dork!” I laugh back. “I’ve come home!”
I sense movement in the shadows surrounding the gate, the unmistakable presence of more of my pack; security seems to have been tightened since I was taken from here. Hardly surprising.
Riot’s hand finds mine, and I hold it tightly.
Another voice calls out, and I recognize Gage Heller. “Raura Pierce! Holy shit!” There’s a muffled sound of voices, and suddenly, the gate begins to rattle open. Riot cautiously eases the vehicle forward, with me directing him to a parking spot beyond the huge gates.
The car is surrounded by the time we’ve parked. Riot is tense beside me.
“It’s going to be amazing!” I say breathlessly. “You’ll see!”
I push open the door and am immediately swept up into a joyful crowd of familiar faces. Strong arms encircle me, pulling me into tight embraces as voices jumble together in an excited chorus.
“Raura! You’re back!”
“We were so worried!”
“Thank God you’re safe!”
Tears of joy prick my eyes as I try to hug everyone at once. Gage’s broad frame envelops me first, the scent of sunshine and fresh grass surrounding me like a warm blanket. Casey is next, her auburn ponytail swinging as she squeezes me fiercely before pulling back to scrutinize me with those piercing blue eyes.
“Are you hurt? Did they harm you?” Her brow furrows with protective concern as Casey scans me over, her eyes roving for any sign of injury. I shake my head, swallowing past the lump in my throat.
I’m home!
“I’m okay, just shaken up,” I manage, my voice wavering slightly. Casey’s expression softens and she pulls me into another fierce hug, her grip almost painfully tight.
“I’m alright, Case. Really.” I chuckle. “Except, you might be about to crack a rib!”
She grins wryly as she releases me, and my gaze drifts over the rest of the welcoming party. I let out a long, shuddering breath, feeling the tension begin to drain from my body. Tarkin and Barrett linger close by, their expressions a mix of relief and lingering concern. Barrett doesn’t say much – he seldom does, but his expression speaks volumes, and I acknowledge him with a warm smile a moment before Tarkin claps me on the back and ruffles my hair.
“There’s been chaos over your abduction, Rau!” he says. “We all thought Jagger was going to go out of his mind. All of us were!”
I’m not surprised. Our community is tight. We take care of our own.
“Well, here I am. Safe and sound.” I’m still grinning fit to burst.
A million questions are fired at me in rapid succession.
“How did you escape?”
“Where were you taken?”
“Were there other wolves there?”
I open my mouth to respond, but the words catch in my throat as a hush falls over the group. Slowly, I turn to see Riot emerging from the SUV, his imposing frame radiating an aura of power and danger. His piercing gaze sweeps over the assembled crowd, leaving a heavy silence in its wake.
I extricate myself from the others and quickly move to his side, putting my hand on his shoulder in a gesture that I suddenly realize is mildly possessive.
“Everyone, this is Riot.” I beam up at him. “He saved me.”
A series of murmurs follow my announcement. People are exchanging glances. Beneath my hand, I can feel the tension radiating from Riot.
“It’s okay,” I say beneath my breath.
Casey is the first to step forward, her arms folded over her chest, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Riot who?”