Page 72 of Alpha Chained
I enter the Enclave’s main compound, the cold, sterile air, and high-tech security a stark reminder of the Consortium’s wealth and power. The place reeks of cruelty and oppression, a darkness that seeps into my bones.
I walk into the entrance hall, standing tall and bracing myself for the confrontation to come.
I don’t have to wait long.
Parker’s smooth voice cuts through the tense silence, dripping with cruel amusement. “Well, well, well, the prodigal son returns. Welcome home, Riot.”
I turn to face the direction of the sound. “You have my sister.”
“There’s a dark chuckle that grows louder, accompanied by crisp footsteps. Parker saunters down a flight of stairs and strolls into the foyer. “Of course I do. I know we have history, but I wouldn’t expect you to come back here for the pleasure of my company.”
I grit my teeth, not in the mood for his taunts. “The game’s over, Parker. Let her go. This is between you and me.”
Parker chuckles again. “Now, why would I do that when she’s my best bargaining chip?” He snaps his fingers, and two guards emerge, dragging a terrified Willow between them. Her eyes widen when she sees me, confusion coloring her face. It gradually turns to recognition.
“Ri-Riley?” Her voice is hesitant. “Riley, is that you?”
I manage a smile. “Hello, Willow.”
Lord, she’s grown into such a lovely woman.
I think of the years that I’ve lost, but there’s no sense in dwelling on them.
“Oh, my God,” she whispers, her eyes welling with tears. “My God. I thought you were dead. All these years…”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Parker interrupts impatiently. “It’s a happy family reunion. Everyone’s emotional. Whatever. Now, let’s get back to business, shall we?” He focuses on me.
Willow’s eyes are wide with confusion and fear. “Riley, what’s going on? What is this place?”
I take a step toward her, but the guards yank her back. “It’s okay, Willow. Everything’s going to be fine.”
Parker starts to laugh. “I suppose ‘fine’ would be a matter of opinion.”
I turn to him, my jaw clenched. “I’m here now. I’ll fight for you again. Just let her go back to her family where she belongs.”
Parker’s lips curl into a cruel smirk. “Oh, you’ll fight all right. But did you really think I’d let her leave? She’s far too valuable as…let’s call it an insurance policy.”
Willow struggles against the guards’ hold. “Riley, please! Tell me what’s happening!”
I keep my gaze locked on Parker, refusing to let him see how much this is tearing me apart. “This is between you and me, Parker. Willow has nothing to do with it.”
Parker chuckles, the sound grating against my nerves. “On the contrary, she has everything to do with it. She’s the reason you’re here, after all. The reason you’ll do exactly as I say.”
I take a menacing step forward, my hands curling and uncurling, fists clenching as I try to force my emotions in check. “I told you I’ll fight. What more do you want?”
Parker spreads his hands in a mocking gesture of innocence. “Want? I already have what I want. You, back in the cage where you belong. And your lovely sister as collateral to ensure you never step out of line again.”
“I said let her go!” I growl.
“Ah, I’m afraid it’s too late for that, Riot. Or do you prefer Riley?” He shakes his head. “No, I think we’ll stick with Riot.”
I clench my jaw, folding my arms over my chest. I’m not prepared to play his fucking games.
“Then I won’t fight. I’ll take a fall,” I tell him. “I’ll go down against your fucking Russian bear or whatever else you want to pitch me against, and we can end this whole goddamned farce.”
“You mean you’d die?” Parker cocks his head.
“Riley, no!” Willow’s voice is tortured.