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“I’m here for the job interview,” I said, my voice a bit hesitant, but I held my ground.
Suddenly, she shot me a judgmental look, her expression turning icy. “Seriously?” She looked me up and down again as if I was not human after all. “Urgh. Take a seat,” she instructed, her tone devoid of the warmth she had initially displayed now that she realized I wasn’t a customer she was going to sell to, and she gave me a once over that made me feel like I was no better than the coffee stain on my shirt.
Feeling a bit taken aback, I found a chair near the entrance and sat down, my mind racing with uncertainty. As she disappeared into the back, I couldn’t help but wonder if my chances of landing this job were slipping away with each passing moment. Maybe I should just go home and save myself the misery and indignity of going through the interview at all. I was just standing up to go run and disappear right out the front door when a big burly man muscled out from the door leading to somewhere in the back of the shop.
“Zazie Henderson?”
“That’s me,” I squeaked, before I turned my head and looked up to find the most intimidating man I’d ever met. The man loomed over me at more than six feet tall, his authoritative presence almost suffocating. Dark brown hair framed his chiseled face, giving him a rugged yet undeniably handsome look. A five-o-clock shadow covered his angular jawline. His very bright jade green eyes bored into mine, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. This was a man who commanded attention without even trying, and he most certainly had mine.
I looked up into his eyes, expecting them to be locked onto my coffee stain, but was surprised when I gained full-blown eye contact.
Not just a little bit either, like a lot of eye contact. An overwhelming amount. Almost like he was into me.
I didn’t really know what to do. I hadn’t really ever dated, and I’d only just turned eighteen. This man was most certainly almost twice my age and then some, but I couldn’t tell for sure.
What was wrong with me?
This could be my potential boss, after all. Maybe he was just being friendly, and I was just being crazy about imagining that he could ever be interested in a girl like me. Yeah, that was it.
He was just being friendly. Yup.
He wore an expensive leather jacket that seemed to enhance the air of mystery surrounding him. It hugged his broad shoulders, and the intricate details suggested a level of craftsmanship that matched his seemingly no-nonsense demeanor. Designer jeans completed his ensemble, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall rugged look.
For a moment, I was at a loss for words, caught between the intimidating aura and the possible attraction that emanated from him. I opened and closed my mouth, trying to find something to say, but nothing came out.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as his gaze met mine.
He didn’t look away, and I couldn’t either.
The intensity of his jade green eyes held a power that drew me in like a moth to a flame.
It was the first set of eyes that I thought could rivel any gem. The vibrant hue resembled emeralds in the sunlight, capturing the essence of a lush green forest. They pulled me in as though they were enchanted jewels all their own, each colorful facet sparkling with an ethereal brilliance that made me want to reach out and touch him.
“She’s here for the interview,” the woman said, seemingly bored after reemerging to stand behind him. He didn’t even glance her way, having only eyes for me, which was weird and intriguing at the same time. It was as if the room had narrowed down to just the two of us, and I didn’t know what to make of that.
“I know, Sasha,” he muttered, his gravelly voice rolling down my spine like a breath of fresh air. After another long moment, I glanced in her direction, only to catch her glaring at me, almost like she was jealous, but that didn’t make any sense.
Who would be jealous of me? Especially when I looked like this…
“I’m Murtagh Rails. I’m the owner. Come with me. I’ll conduct the rest of the interview in my office,” he murmured, his gaze roving up and down my body for the briefest of seconds before his eyes settled back on mine.
The rest of it? Did that mean I’d already passed the first part?
Hell yeah.
Maybe I was finally having a little luck today after all.
That’s what she smelled like. I hadn’t caught even a hint of anything like it for hundreds of years, not since the days when I was back in my home world of Daconia, instead of this boring human one. Sometimes I missed it, but then I would pop open a bag of chips and drown my sorrows in the greasy goodness of a fried potato, God’s gift to this fine green earth, if you asked me anyway.
I took another deep pull in and thoroughly enjoyed the scent of her, like home in the springtime when all the wildflowers were blooming after a fresh rain. Honestly, it was absolute heaven, and I couldn’t let that go. I wouldn’t let that go. I refused.
Whoever she is, she’s mine.