Page 88 of Shared
If I had thought his hand across my ass was bad, a spanking on my pussy was even worse.
The pain was sudden, a stinging sensation that seared through me like scalding fire, as if I had unwittingly brushed against the seething embers of a campfire. It was an all-consuming kind of pain that seemed to singe every nerve across my pussy, leaving me breathless and disoriented. The intensity of it was overwhelming, a merciless inferno that threatened to consume my entire being.
But as quickly as it had flared, the pain began to ebb, replaced by an unexpected and uncontrollable wave of desire. This new sensation flooded me with a different kind of heat, leaving me reeling and breathless.
And then he smacked my pussy with the flats of his fingers once more, much more firmly, the sharp pain so much more intense, and yet the sensation seemed to send a tingling heat all the way through my center, down to the tips of my toes and the roots of my hair.
He spanked me a fourth time, his hand falling a bit lower, slapping against the wetness pooling at the very apex of my thighs. This time, the pain seemed to reverberate through my whole body, causing every nerve ending to tingle and pulse.
He thoroughly spanked my pussy after that, using the flats of his fingers to punish my sensitive flesh until I was on the cusp of tears. They welled in my eyes before I could stop them and spilled down my cheeks.
“Please, sir, no more,” I begged, but instead of listening, he gave my pussy two more hard smacks.
“Your punishment is far from over, little girl.”
“Oh please!” I gasped, the reality of his words crashing over me like a tidal wave.
He wasn’t even close to being done.
He spanked my pussy three more times, and sobs wracked my body. I was crying now, the hot tears streaking down my face and dripping onto the bed beneath me. He didn’t even give me a moment to collect myself. Instead, he spanked my pussy again.
Panic welled up from my center, and my core squeezed tight. Tears dripped down my cheeks.
“I’m so sorry, sir,” I cried. “I promise to be good. Please, stop. My pussy can’t take it.”
“I’ve barely begun to spank your naughty cunt, little girl, and you’re already begging me to stop,” he warned, and I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from crying, but to no avail.
The pain was so much worse when it was focused on such a small area. He wasn’t spanking my pussy as hard as he had been my bottom, but the fact that his hand kept striking my most sensitive flesh soon felt like too much.
He didn’t care. I’d been a very bad girl, and I was getting spanked like one.
His hand rained down over my pussy again and again, punishing the very lips and center that were aching for him. Each stinging smack caused a fresh wave of tears to fall, and soon, I was openly sobbing over his knees.
Finally, the smacks seemed to slow, and then they came to a stop.
His fingers dipped in between the folds of my pussy, and he groaned at what he found.
“Little girl, you’re dripping wet.”
My scalded, swollen folds stung at his light touch, and there wasn’t much I could do to keep my hiss of pain quiet.
“I’m sorry, sir,” I cried.
“I know, little girl. You took the first part of your punishment so very well,” he whispered, and I stiffened, a fresh wave of panic spiraling through me. As it was, I could hardly bring my thighs together because my pussy stung so much, not to mention the raging fire that was still searing across my naked ass.
“First part?”
I felt his nod, and he answered, his voice a bit gruff.
“That’s right, sweetheart. Your punishment is only just beginning. This next part is going to hurt a lot more, but you’re going to come good and hard for me like a naughty girl should.”
“I’ve been punished enough,” I muttered, my lower lip protruding in an admirable pout, or at least I thought so.
“Not nearly enough,” he corrected.
“Why are you doing this to me?” I whined.
“Because you need to learn that actions have consequences. And because I want you to understand that every decision you make matters. I’ve been lenient with you, little girl, but I need you to understand that the next time, I won’t be.”