Page 135 of Misted
Her weapon falls, clinking to the ground.
“Run!” I yell at Jessica and pounce on Molly.
Thankfully, Jessica staggers to her feet and trudges out of the warehouse. I wrestle Molly so I’m on top and pin her hands, preventing her from reaching to the gun. She tries to kick me, but she seems to forget I taught her these tricks. I lock her thighs down with my knees and punch her in the face. Blood explodes from her mouth.
She laughs. “Yeah, Mist. Hit me. Does that make you feel better?”
“You killed my child.” I’m punching her again, tears burning my eyes.
I loved this fucking bitch like she was my sister when all this time, she was making my existence a living hell.
“You ruined my life.” Another punch and another. “You ruined everything!”
“Not everything.” She spits through bloodied lips. “There’s still Hawk…”
I’m panting, but I stop punching her and clutch her by the collar.
“You should look at your face, Misty!” She laughs in a psychotic way.
“What have you done?” I shout, shaking her.
“See, I don’t have to do anything. Hades does. He already collected Hawk and do you know what Hades promised to do to Nero’s killer? He should be dead with his head hanging at The Pit’s entrance about now.”
My clutch falters and my breathing comes out long and deep.
Hawk is… dead.
No, no, no…
A black hole sucks me in and I can’t freaking breathe or think or exist.
Hawk can’t be dead. He can’t.
“That face,” Molly says in awe then laughs like a maniac. “That’s exactly the expression I wanted to see, Misty. That’s the face of you losing everything.”
She pushes me away and jumps up, holding the gun.
I don’t even try to stop her.
I don’t want to.
If Hawk is dead, then I’m done. Completely and utterly done. I only held on to life because he was in it. If his next destination is hell, then I’m going there, too.
“Bye, Misty.”
Blood flows everywhere.