Page 22 of Misted
You were my heaven that later became my hell.
I smile mischievously as I round the corner and hide behind a giant tree. My sore, lacerated fingers grab the mouldy trunk. I remain as still as a board, inhaling the pine and forest scent.
The guards’ booming footsteps are heading in the opposite direction. Good riddance. It’s the first time in months they took us out from that white-walled prison. Of course, I had to escape. I’ve been waiting and counting the days and the hours to do this. It’s not my problem that they’re stupid enough to take us to a forest. They said it’s for extensive training.
I say it’s an extensive escape.
All I need to do is find the main road and hitchhike.
Once the footsteps fade out of earshot, I turn around and sprint far from the guards. Leaves crunch under my trainers and the branches cut into my skin through the thin white trousers.
My throat itches, begging for water, but I don’t have time to stop.
My head collides against a strong chest. The impact almost throws me on my butt. I come to a screeching halt, fists clenching.
My breathing calms when I meet those striking turquoise eyes. Hawk towers over me, folding his arms across his developed chest. I swear he keeps broadening with every passing day. As if the boy needs to be more attractive or something.
“You’re some hellion, aren’t you?” he asks in a slightly amused tone.
My heart races whenever he calls me that. A giddiness curls my toes, knowing that I’m the only one he has a nickname for. I might have imposed myself on him since the first day we met and bled his ears with endless conversation. He barely does any talking, so when he does speak, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning.
Strangely, the hour we spend in that waiting room has become the brightest part of my days.
“Come on.” I bypass him, searching around. “Let’s run. I just need to find Ghost and Shadow. Maybe Ink, too, if we have time.”
A strong hand clasps around my bicep and drags me back so he’s once again standing several feet above me. He smells of the pine in the forest and the freedom of the sea. I can’t help sniffing like an addict.
“This is a private island,” he says. “Guards are all over the shores. There’ll be no escaping.”
My hopes shrivel and crush at the bottom of my stomach. A tremor shoots down my arms. “No. There must be a way.” Tears sting my eyes. “I can’t do this anymore. I have to leave. I have to –”
Hawk cuts me off by shaking my shoulder, his brows drawing together. “I thought you were strong? I thought you were above Omega?”
I was a big fat liar. I’m not strong. I can’t keep taking that drug and let it erase everything. Sometimes, I wake up and don’t even know what or who the hell I am.
“If I stay here, I'll become whatever they’re making us. I’ll even forget about Shadow and Ghost and… you. We have to escape.”
“We will.” He runs the back of his knuckles against my cheek in a slow stroke. I lean into his touch, compelled to close my eyes and purr like a satisfied kitten.
“One day, we’ll escape this hell.” The tenor of his voice softens. “I'll take you to France.”
“France?” I hiccough.
“I don’t remember much about my life, but I remember France, an azure sea and beautiful, old towns. I’ll take you there.”
Whoa. That’s the most talk Hawk has done in months.
“Promise?” I look up at him.
“Only if you promise to stay strong. If you lose yourself, I won’t take you with me.” He reaches into his back pocket and hands me a small, pointy dagger that he’s always kept on him and places it in my hand. “This will seal our deal.”
“Hug.” I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his strong, comforting chest. I breathe in his scent and his addictive warmth.
When I'm drowning, I can use him as a shore.