Page 3 of Misted
A blow hits the back of my head and I fall, my knees crushing against the tile. I try to get up, but we’re surrounded by guards.
I need to protect her. I need to —
“Goodbye, Hawk.” Mist looks down at me with a hollow expression as another blow smashes my nape then another and another.
I’m too stunned to react. Too caught up in her cold, unfeeling hazel eyes that I once considered my home.
She stands like a non-breathing, non-feeling statue, watching as they beat me and then Hades’ words from earlier return like a horned monster.
Mist told us your location. She’s the reason you’re shot.
I didn’t believe him because he’s nothing and she’s everything.
But now as the darkness shrouds my vision, she turns and fucking leaves.
I got rid of it.
It’s the last thought I have before a roar claws from my lips and black sucks me into its clutches.