Page 50 of If Only You Hurt
“Yes, ma’am,” Grant says, feeling defeated by his sister and me staring at him like he was in charge of my care.
“Good. Now, Laney, I will repeat what I said. This next week I want rest from you. You’re not on bed rest, but no heavy lifting, no excessive bending. Got it?”
I nod. “Yes, I understand. I will be a good patient.”
“At least there’s that. You’re a shit patient, Becca” Grant says, and I swear his sister looks like she could murder him with her glare.
“You better watch it,” Becca says with a fake smile that spreads across her face, her teeth clenched as she speaks, “or I’m telling mom that you are the reason there was a hole in the wall when your buddies came over in high school and not the vacuum cleaner handle!”
“You wouldn’t dare!” The look of horror on his face is priceless.
“You best believe it!” Becca is far too proud of herself right now.
Returning her gaze to me, Becca continues, “Also, you better come up with a plan to tell Ellie and eventually the parents. I will also warn you that our mom," she looks at her brother then swings her gaze back at me, "and yours, Laney, have been planning your wedding since you were two, so be prepared for a lot of screaming and excitement upon your announcement.” She returns to tidying the room after removing the ultrasound machine.
“Oh gosh. I didn’t even think of that whole aspect of our relationship.” I bury my face in my hands, knowing that my mother and Grace are going to drive me nuts with their questions and planning.
I hear Grant chuckle, apparently undisturbed by the prospect of the moms taking over and hounding us.
I decide to drop the next bomb, “Hey, don’t stand there all proud. You’re going to have to face my dad, and he’s going to be pissed you got his little girl pregnant.” I smile like I won this little game we’re playing. The moment my words are out, Grant’s face loses all color, and I laugh. Becca can’t help but enjoy this too.
Becca basks in this uncomfortable moment for her brother a minute longer, and then her expression changes, and I can tell the maternal side of her is about to say something.
“You’ve been through a lot, Lane. I hope you know how proud I am of you. You’ll be an incredible mother. You love with your whole heart, and I know this baby already feels it.”
She then moves her gaze over to her brother and begins to round the bed and stand right in front of him. “Grant, you have no idea the beauty your heart has within itself. I see so much of Dad in you, and I know you’re going to fill this baby’s life with so much love and joy, the child will lack nothing.”
At that, she picks up the printed images she had grabbed off the machine and hands them to us. We both stare, shocked that life has given us the chance to love again. Our baby, here to bring us an extra level of love that we are both going to embrace.
Becca moves toward the door. She turns back and blows us kisses, and I mouth a silent thank you to her on her way out. She gives me a little nod of acknowledgment, and then she’s off to work on her floor of the hospital.
We lay there, looking at this little being and simply starstruck that we created a life together. Our love carried over, beyond all the sadness, to this moment.
Grant looks up at me, tears falling freely, and says, “Now it looks like I have a new little bean to love.” His lips softly cover mine, and I try to remember this feeling of completion that wraps me like a warm blanket on a cold day.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Walking out of the hospital, my hand intertwined with Laney’s, I take a deep breath. It feels like days have passed since I stood outside the hospital walls, even though it has been just hours since I arrived.
I look to my left and see Laney’s eyes twinkle, and I can’t help but fall deeper in love with this woman. I feel the smile grow on my face. My hand automatically goes for her belly even though there is nothing evident from the outside to signify she’s pregnant. I’m looking down, and I see her hand over mine, and I move my gaze up to her face. She’s perfect, and I can’t wait to see who this little person is growing inside her.
Before I got into the city, I already had a plan of what I wanted for us moving forward, but now I feel compelled to bring it up immediately, making my feelings known.
I slow my steps until I come to a complete stop. I turn toward her and grab her face, my forehead on hers, my lips lightly kissing her, taking her in.
“I’m sorry I left the way I did.” She’s about to interject, but I stop her with my words.
“Let me get this out. I’ve had days to think of what I want to say to you, and I feel like if I don’t say this now, it will eat at me. I was mad that day. I couldn’t grasp why you would live with this secret for you to digest and process alone, especially when it was our baby you were mourning. I felt like I was left out of something we could grieve together. I’ll admit, I was so hurt. I made it about me when no matter how we look at this, it’s about us. I don’t know how I would have reacted had I been in your shoes, experiencing the events of that day the way you had. It doesn’t take away the feelings I’ve had to process our child that we lost, but I do understand your side. I get why you did what you did, even if I don’t agree with it.”
She closes her eyes, tears escaping, but instead of pushing herself away, she brings her arms around me and squeezes my midsection. Her head rests on my chest, and my heart feels like it’s growing in size for this woman.
I pull her away from me so I can look into her eyes. “Laney, I want forever with you. When I started my drive back this morning, I had so many things I was going to say. I wanted to give you a choice to be with me, to start something more with me, but now I can’t think of you moving through life without me by your side. I don’t want us just to be friends and share a child together. I want more. I need more. I want everything. Please tell me I’m not alone in this.” I can hear the vulnerability in my tone, and I don’t even care anymore.
I want her to understand I’m in this one hundred percent. It’s the three of us now, and I will stop at nothing to ensure she and the baby are safe in this world. Tears stream down her cheeks, and I automatically use my thumbs to wipe them away.
“I want forever with you, too, Grant. I want this, and I want you. I was pushing you away before because I was scared. I wasn’t sure if you’d hate me for what I did, and I was petrified I’d lose you. I’m so sorry.” She looks down, and I bring my finger to her chin to bring her eyes back onto me.