Page 52 of If Only You Hurt
We chat a little more about the details of our big reveal, and I start to itch with excitement to tell my mom she’s going to be a grandma for a fourth time. I know she’s been secretly wanting this for me for so long, but has never made me feel pressured to settle down.
Ellie has some sort of ‘spidey’ sense because the moment she gets home and finds us on the couch, she begins to question us.
“What’s going on, you two?” she starts without even greeting us with a hello.
Laney decides to prolong her sister’s torture and acts innocent. “What do you mean? We’re watching TV. Wanna join?”
“Don’t give me that, young lady. You two were not speaking for well over a week, and now you’re all cozy on the couch, completely glossing over the fact that you,” she points at Laney, “were in the hospital less than five hours ago. Out with it!”
Ellie gets feisty when it comes to her family, and this is a complete reminder of such.
She won’t let up until we spill, so we do just that.
Laney’s looking down at her nails, acting as if today is just like any other day. I can’t help the pull on the side of my lips, the beginnings of a smile I’m having a hard time hiding.
“Looks like you better gear up, Auntie Ellie!” Laney says, and before I can even think straight, Ellie is pulling her sister to stand and embracing her. I can see their shoulders shake in what I assume comes from them sobbing into one another as they hold each other close.
Then, somewhere in the mix, my sister is called, and she ends up showing up after her shift. They’re all screaming in excitement, and I realize my sister was really holding back her happiness earlier at the hospital. I guess she really does have to keep her composure emotionally when she’s with patients.
Rubbing my ears in hopes that no permanent damage was inflicted upon them after the volume of hysterics I’ve just lived through, I look up to find Shane at the doorway. He’s looking at my sister and the James sisters embracing while they’re yelling plans on what to do in the upcoming months to prepare for the baby.
Before Shane turns to me, I can’t help but notice a bit of sadness passing his features. I know he comes from a place of happiness for Laney and me, but I think a part of him wishes he could turn back the hands of time and be there with my sister when Olive was born. I know he will always want that.
The moment he sees me looking at him, he smiles, genuine and full of love. He walks over and extends his hand, pulling me into a hug.
“I’m so happy for you, Grant. You’re going to make an amazing father. I can’t wait to see you in action.”
I feel my smile pull so wide, I might never stop. This is everything I’ve ever wanted, I realize now.
“Thanks, man. Uncle Shane sounds pretty good to me.” I wink at him, and he puffs his chest out in pride.
“You’re right, it does.” I give him another hug, then turn my attention back to the three women making plans relating to my growing child.
Ellie announces a celebratory dinner must be ordered, then rushes upstairs to shower and change into something more comfortable.
Once dinner is ordered and served, the kids join us, and we all celebrate this miracle Laney and I have made together, expanding this amazing group of people I love into an even bigger circle.
Chapter Twenty-Four
It’s been three days since I found out I was pregnant. Grant and I will be parents, and I can’t seem to wrap my mind around it all.
After letting the thought seep into my mind, I finally called my parents, asking them to meet us in the city this weekend. I wanted to tell them, but I felt strongly that they needed to hear the news in person. Grant did the same, and now I’m sitting, pulling the clear polish off my nails, nervous about seeing both my parents and Grant’s mother, Grace.
I don’t see why I’ve got a knot in my belly about this, but I feel like nothing in life has gone as planned. I didn’t see myself starting a journey into motherhood right now, and yet, it feels right. But, no matter what age you are, telling your parents you’re expecting feels strange. Especially because Grant and I have never been a couple in their eyes.
I’m in the middle of my spiral when the doorbell rings, and Grant walks from the kitchen to the front door while I slowly get up off the couch.
Smoothing out my jeans, which in no way need smoothing, I walk toward the foyer to see Grace walking through the threshold with Rick behind her. She’s got the same smile as Becca, welcoming and kind, and I feel at peace seeing her happiness radiating off her.
The way she looks at Grant, I can see the love she holds for her child. To think I will soon have my own child and look at them in such a way really is something I look forward to. She finishes hugging Grant, then spots me and moves toward me with her arms outstretched.
“Oh, Laney. You look amazing. You’re radiating. Winter seems to agree with you while I’m feeling like my hands are drier than snakes, and my old lady muscles are more sore by the hour.” She chuckles, and I smile at her comments.
Much like Becca, Grace Stanley is someone who has taken life’s hardships and made the best of them. They are both fun to be around and extremely nurturing. I give Grace a lot of credit for how Becca brought me under her wing. I know that the way Grace cared for Becca impacted the way Grant’s older sister cared for those around her when they needed it most.
I pull away, and the smile on my face grows.