Page 2 of I Can't Even
And a crispito did sound good…
Getting out of my car, I locked the doors, then hurried toward the gas station. I noticed that the line of cars beside me didn’t look any happier than I did to be stuck out here waiting on a parade to finish.
Getting to the gas station, I went inside, and immediately was taken back ten years to my childhood.
Crispy Chicken sandwiches, crispitos, the sweet butter biscuits… Yum!
I ordered two crispitos, four biscuits, and a hunk of pizza, then grabbed a chicken sandwich for good measure. While she was taking care of that, I hit up the bathroom.
It was as I was walking back to my waiting food that I spotted my guilty pleasure—Baja Blast Mountain Dew—and snatched that up, too.
The cashier rang me up, and I was heading back to my car not long after.
And, because it was hot as balls in my car, and I didn’t have enough gas to be running it for more than another ten minutes—because Jesus, I hated getting gas—I sat on the hood of my car and ate.
Simultaneously, I went back to my social media hopping.
When the sweat from the backs of my thighs forced me to slide down the hood of my car, I got a better purchase, then pushed myself backward until I was leaning on the glass of the windshield.
I looked around, noticing that others were doing much the same, and went back to eating and scrolling.
It was just as I was about to take a bite of my last crispito when something caused me to pause.
A post from the Dallas Police Department.
Being a nurse, I found myself in contact with quite a few police officers and firefighters, so I followed both of their official social media pages.
My finger moved before I could ask it to, and I was left staring at an aerial view of city streets as a high-speed chase was happening.
I scanned the comments, finding myself intrigued enough to continue to stay on the video.
-Dude’s flying. Don’t they know that we are trying to get home? We don’t want to deal with no bullshit high speed chase.
-Police officer in front of him is right on his ass. He’s like glue!
-Wow, did anyone see the cop’s face that was in front?
-Whoa, hottie alert.
-Umm, officer. When you’re done with that high-speed chase, I’m breaking the law at…
-Holy cow… I wonder what his cuffs feel like.
-All you thirsty bitches need to get off this page and let us adults enjoy the way that officer is playing that 4-Runner like a fiddle.
I laughed at that.
Thirsty bitches indeed.
I went back to the video feed to see if I could get a good look at the guy’s face.
I wondered if I’d seen him before…
But the person filming in the helicopter never got another view of the cop’s face.
A whomp-whomp-whomp had me glancing up to see a helicopter in the sky, and since it wasn’t abnormal for us to see them, I barely gave it a second glance before I went back to the video.
But then the sound of a siren—lots of sirens, actually—started to pierce through my avid fascination.