Page 102 of Needing Her
I laugh despite being a nervous wreck. “I guess we better get this over with before I lose my nerve.”
“There’s the spirit,” she laughs as I get up.
My hand goes to my stomach. I find myself wondering if I really am pregnant. If I am, what does that mean for my relationship with Dom? Will another child added into the equation be too much for him? I never envisioned my life going this way. I know if I am pregnant, I want my baby, and I want Dom in his or her life. I guess the rest will just have to fall into place as we get to it. I don’t have a choice here. I have to find out if I’m pregnant and go from there.
Nicole is right. I have to man-up.
Damn it.
Chapter 46
Walking out with Nicole at the women’s clinic in town, I’m holding the results of my test in shaking hands. I look at it one more time. It’s proof that I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant. It still doesn’t feel real, even as I heard the baby’s heartbeat echoing over the monitor. I’m still really early, but the fact this is actually happening has thrown me for a loop—to say the least.
“It’s going to be okay, you know,” Nicole says, hugging me.
Until this moment, I didn’t realize that she was standing right in front of me. She’s so happy that I’m pregnant. I can’t help but wonder how my parents are going to react. My mother is not Dom’s biggest fan at the moment. Dad seems to be team Dom, but I think he is being very cautious about it all.
“That makes one of us who is positive about that,” I mutter, and she laughs.
“Thea, forget all the other bullshit and the worries for the moment. Can you honestly tell me that the thought of having Dom’s baby doesn’t fill you with happiness?”
“It does,” I tell her, not wanting her to think for one second that it doesn’t. “I want my baby. Unfortunately, all the other stuff is happening too. I can’t exactly ignore it.”
“You can for today,” she disputes, making me laugh.
Before I can argue with her, my cell rings. I look at the caller ID and bite my lip. “It’s Dom,” I whisper.
“You better pick it up. Remember, no more running for either of us. Tell him to meet you at your house.”
“Hello,” I answer after clicking the screen and putting the phone up to my ear.
“Thea. Thank fuck, you answered me.”
I feel a little guilty because I’ve been declining his calls. I know I haven’t been acting the most adult, but I’m dealing with a lot--not to mention pregnancy hormones. At least, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
“Yeah, I need to talk to you too.”
“I do you, too, Gorgeous. I have so much to tell you. I just got a call from Dad. Damn, where are you?” he asks. He sounds so excited, almost giddy. I swear if he has a tail on me and knows I’m pregnant before I can tell him, I might just strangle him.
“I’m at the women’s clinic downtown,” I respond, figuring that’s safe. They have all kinds of doctors here—not just an OB. It’s a specialty clinic that focuses on women and health problems that are unique to them.
“The clinic? Sweetheart, are you sick?”
“I’m fine, I?—”
“You know what? This can’t wait. I need to tell you. Everything is going to be okay, Thea. I need you to know that. Is anyone with you?”
“Um, your mom. Dom, what’s going on? You’re kind of freaking me out.”
“I will explain everything when I get there. Ask Mom to stay with you, I don’t like the idea of you being alone. Will you let me talk to you when I get there? I have so much to tell you.”
“I’ll wait for you on the benches in front of the clinic.”
“Good, I’ll be right there. I love you, Thea.”
He hangs up without giving me a chance to respond. I can do nothing but stare at my phone.