Page 24 of Needing Her
Breaker gets a weird look on his face. If I hadn’t been watching the two of them so closely, I would have missed it. He wipes it from his face a second later and gives Thea a scolding look she ignores.
“I could leave you alone with her,” he says mildly.
“You try it and I’ll show you this nifty trick my big brother showed me. With one move, I can make sure a man never has children.”
Everyone but me laughs. I’m still trying to process everything. There’s a bitterness in the pit of my stomach that is threatening to overtake me.
“Have a good day today, Flame. Check in.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” she laughs.
“I didn’t know you were going to the university here,” I finally speak up, forcing myself to talk.
Thea looks at me as if she just now realized I was there. Chances are, she did. It seems Raze has all her attention. How in the hell did I miss the fact that Thea is the woman my brother is so wrapped up in?
“Hey, Dom. How are you doin’?”
I nod. Not sure what to say. I’m not good. Not fucking good at all. “Apparently behind on things. You stayin’ in Kentucky?”
“Yeah. Today’s my first day at school. Getting that business and accounting degree Dad has been after me about.”
I find myself nodding again like an idiot. I’m just not sure I can get my damn voice to work at the moment. So instead, the two of us just stare at one another.
“Raze?” Breaker calls, breaking the silence—thank God.
“Go get my cut. I’ll ride with you two today.”
Raze cocks an eyebrow up at him. “Dom and I don’t need a babysitter.”
“You questioning me?” he asks Raze.
Raze is treading on dangerous ground. Breaker is up for Enforcer. Right now, he’s a Sergeant-at-Arms. It’s a position that our club hasn’t really had. We had a club traitor—Irish—a long time ago, who had that position, even if it was unofficial since he had other club duties, too. Because he betrayed us, we just never worried about filling that position. It happened before I was born, but I honestly think Dad only suggested we bring the position back to help train Breaker. The club is relying on him more and more and that means questioning him is bad for your health when you don’t have a position in the club.
“I’ll go get your cut,” he mutters.
“I better head out,” Thea responds, eyeing her brother.
“First, give me a kiss, Flame. I won’t see you tonight. You’ve ruined my poker night. It’s the least you can do.”
“How did I not know you were such a big baby?” she laughs.
She kisses him, and I have to look away. Unfortunately, I lock eyes with Breaker, who looks at me with a smirk on his face. Dumbass.
I hear a car door close and look to see that Raze has walked her over. When he steps back, she looks out the window and waves. “See ya tonight, Mattie. Bye, Dom!”
I jerk my chin up—still not sure I can use my voice. Breaker gives her a wave. Raze looks over at me. “Be back in a minute,” he says.
After he goes inside, Breaker and I have a stare down. Sadly, I’m the first one to break it. “You could have warned me, asshole.”
“Why? It’s not like you haven’t made it clear to my baby sister that you didn’t want her.”
“She told you?” I ask, shocked.
“She didn’t have to. All of us knew the score.”
Well, fuck. “Thea’s made for bigger things than being an old lady, Breaker. You know that.”