Page 44 of Needing Her
“Maybe not now, but I hurt you in the past, and I know you hated me for a while. I wish I could go back and change everything, but I can’t.”
“I never hated you. I was upset, hurt, and frustrated, but I never hated you. I just…”
“Just what?” I prompt.
“I wanted better for you. I admit, for a while I wanted it to be me, but regardless, I mainly just wanted to see you happy.”
“You were right, you know.”
“Of course I was right. I always am,” she sasses. “But what specifically was I right about?”
“I wish I had listened to you all those years ago. I wish I could go back and kick Gabby out of my life and erase the time I wasted on her.”
“Most of all, I wish I could go back to that day we kissed, and Gabby interrupted us.”
“It’s a good thing that she did.”
“No, it’s not. I should have told her to fuck off and continued kissing you.”
I watch as my words register. Her eyes go round with shock, and I can’t say for sure, but I think I see fear.
“Don’t do this, Dom,” she whispers.
“Don’t what? Tell you I’ve always wanted you? I have. I pushed it away and buried the feelings you stirred in me because I promised Gabby that we’d be together. She gave me her virginity and her trust. My father always taught me that a man stands by his word. So, I did. I did it blindly because I wanted to be just like my old man. I wanted the life my father created. That’s what I wanted to give any children I had. So, I was determined to stand by the woman I chose and work my way through the club so that I could lead it one day. I wanted to be just like my old man.”
“Dom, Uncle Dragon has always been proud of you. Always.”
“No, he hasn’t been, and he shouldn’t. I’ve screwed up a lot.”
“Dom…” She sighs.
“My biggest fuck-up was not listening to that little voice in my head that told me you were special.”
“Yeah, special. You knew all the way back then that I was going to be a pain in your ass,” she giggles. “If we’re done with this heart to heart, I’m going to get some sleep. It’s been a long day,” she adds and then she rolls over and lies on her other side, giving me her back.
I know she’s dismissing me. She doesn’t want to continue our conversation. I guess I pushed it too far. I shouldn’t have. I know it, but I couldn’t stop myself. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I smile because it’s her sweet scent of cherries that I take in. I stare at the back of her head for a bit and decide to let it go. I reach up and hit the light switch by the faux wood headboard, turning off the light.
“Goodnight, Gorgeous,” I murmur. “That name can be only yours.”
“It doesn’t matter because we’re not like that. That said, a strong woman wouldn’t care if you’ve used the name before, as long as you made her feel like she’d be the only one, and the last one, you use the name on,” she mumbles not turning to look at me.
“Would that include you, Thea?”
“I’ve sworn off men.”
“If I convince you not to give up on me, would you give me a chance?”
I don’t have to be touching her to know her body stiffened. Even with the cover over her body, it is apparent. I’m pushing too much. She turns so that she’s looking over her shoulder at me. I’d prefer she flip over so I could see her entire body, but I’ll have to be satisfied that her eyes are staring into mine.
“What are you trying to accomplish here, Dom?”
“I want you in my life, Thea.”
“I am. We’re family?—”
“No, Gorgeous. I mean, I want you. I have for a while, longer than I’m comfortable letting you know. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I discovered you and Raze were together. You seemed happy. Now that the dumbass has shot his wad and fucked it up …” I trail off with a shrug, not once looking away from her beautiful eyes.