Page 82 of Needing Her
“Funny. I never thought I’d have something in common with the asshole, but maybe I do,” I mutter, scrubbing my face with my hand and just wishing Dad would leave.
“You hate me?”
I don’t mean to, but I wince because my father never shows weakness, but right now, that seems to hurt him. “I’m getting there,” I admit. “You can deny it, but you are the reason the club kept me out of the loop. If you had that big of a problem with me, then you should have talked to me about it. At the very least, you should have listened to Breaker when he told you I was working hard for the club.”
“Breaker would have your back even if you were still lying drunk every day and doing shit.”
“If you believe that, then you don’t know Breaker at all. He will always do what is best for the club first.”
“I want to know how you found out about Deanna.”
“I figure you already know. You and Mom are pretty damn loud when you argue. T could probably sleep through an F5 Tornado. I’ve never been that way. I was wide awake for that shit and got to hear it up close.”
“I never cheated on your mother, Dom.”
“Not with your dick anyway, right Dad?”
“What the fuck does that mean? I’d never cheat on your mom. She’s my world.”
“Yet, you were going to parties that you knew this woman was at and you were spending time with her when your ass should have been home in bed with Mom.”
“I figured you for a lot of things, Dom. I never thought you were a sanctimonious asshole. I was the president of the club. There were times I needed to be at those parties. Your mother made the decision to stop going. I wanted her with me.”
“You made the decision to kiss another woman, a woman you had fucked.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s not that cut and dry.”
“I know enough to know that if some bitch I had fucked tried to kiss me, I’d remove myself from the equation immediately. No woman is going to lay her lips on me if I don’t want them there.”
“I’m not going to defend myself to you.”
“I didn’t expect you to. At least not on this, mainly because you don’t have a defense. You fucked up, and you got pissed when you got caught. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have told Mom shit and who knows where it would have stopped. Hell, I may have had a whole football roster of brothers.”
“You don’t understand?—”
“Maybe not. I do know that you already know who King is. You’re just too chicken shit to touch the situation because you’re scared. I look at you and I can’t even see the father I admired and wanted to be just like. You’re the reason I tried so hard to keep my promises to Gabby—even to the point I was blind. Now, I want nothing to do with you. You disgust me,” I growl.
I know I’m pulling every fucking trigger he has, but I don’t really give a damn. I want to hurt him like he hurt me. Out of nowhere, his fist comes at me. I don’t even try to dodge it. Maybe I want the pain, or maybe I want an excuse to hit the bastard back. The force of his hit throws me back against the small table by the door. The vase that Thea bought at the home store when we went to buy sheets, falls off and shatters on the wood floor. I straighten up and charge at the asshole. Dad is a towering force and as solid as a boulder, but I can still hold my own. All those years of having Breaker as a sparring partner have never come in handier than they do right now. Dad goes back and I pound my fist into his ribs while we fall. I hear Thea yelling, but Dad and I are going at it too hard for me to pay attention. He slams his fist into my gut and while I try to pull myself through that, Dad hits me again. I manage to get up on my knees as he’s trying to stand. I shove my body into his, slamming my elbow into the back of his knee. He cries out, making me smile because I know that fucker is weak. He’s been putting off having a knee replacement surgery. I’m leaning over him now, and I start to pound into his face. I get one good hit and then Dad grabs my face and slams our heads together.
“Motherfucker!” I bark as pain explodes.
Dad proves his head is harder because he recovers and tries to get away from me. I’m seeing fucking stars, but I slam my fist into his jaw. He grabs my hand, pulling it away, and then uses his other hand to hit me hard. Blood spurts from my nose, but I would have ignored it and kept going if a damn gunshot hadn’t rung out.
“What the hell?” I yell. Dad and I both freeze and look up. Standing in front of us is Thea, with my pistol in her hand, barrel pointing down to the floor.
“I said stop fighting!” Thea growls and I swear to fuck it wouldn’t surprise me if she started breathing fire. “Now, stand up, both of you and I swear to God if you try to start fighting again, both of you will regret it.”
We stand up slowly. I never take my eyes off my woman. I think I might be in shock. I’m also pretty damn sure I shouldn’t be turned-on right now, but I am.
If I wasn’t already positive that I’m keeping this woman forever, I sure as hell am now.
Chapter 37
I can’t believe what I just watched. I was seriously scared the two of them were going to kill one another. I couldn’t think of how to stop it and not get hurt trying to get between them. The only thing I could come up with is grabbing Dom’s gun he keeps in the lockbox in his nightstand. He had given me the code last night. I bet he’s regretting that about now.
“I’m going into the kitchen for a minute. If you two so much as look at each other cross-eyed, we’ll be digging metal out of you instead of the floor.”