Page 85 of Needing Her
Christ, my family puts the fun in disfunction. It’s running rampant. I’m wondering if it will ever change. The door opens and T is standing there with a grin on his face, holding Tamsin in his arms.
“Holy hell,” T says when he looks at Thea curled into my side.
“I’m guessing you hadn’t told him we were living together?” I murmur.
“I’m thinking you haven’t either,” she laughs. “T! Give me my goddaughter. She wants her Auntie Thea’s lovin’.”
He laughs as Thea steps up to him and takes Tamsin from his arms. “Where’s m-my hello hug?”
“I think Dom has it,” she jokes with a wink. T steps back and Thea slides in the door with the baby in her arms.
“You and Thea?” T asks and I nod.
“Is it serious?”
“I’ve got a diamond ring in my glove compartment that says it is.”
T lets out a whistle. “Fuck. T-times have changed.”
“I love her, T.”
“D-does she know that?”
“If she hasn’t figured it out yet, I’ll make sure she has no doubts soon.”
“C-come inside. Rather n-not talk out here all night.”
I step up and hug him. T’s stiff for about half a second. Then he returns it. “Love you, T.”
He smiles and some of the fear that I’ve held inside me disappears. “R-ride or d-die,” he says.
“If you guys are going to stand in the doorway all night, I’m going to close the door on both of you. You’re letting bugs in,” Lyla chastises.
My gaze moves over to her, and I smile as I look at her. I used to think she was the spitting image of Gabby. I was totally wrong. She’s got a sweetness about her that changes all her features and makes them better. There’s an aura around her that draws you in. I can see it clearer now that I’m not filled with bitterness and liquor.
“Hey, Lyla,” I say as I walk over to her.
“Hi, Dom.”
I can see she feels nervous around me. I hate it, even if it is my fault. Rubbing the back of my neck, my gaze finds my woman, who gives me an encouraging smile. For a minute, I watch the way she’s cooing at Tamsin. My heart fucking seizes inside my chest. That’s my future. That right there is exactly what I want. I won’t stop until it’s mine. I pull my attention back to Lyla. I take my hand down and slide it into my jeans. “I’m sorry for the last time we met.”
“He means he’s sorry for being a dick. I’ve been trying to get that out of him,” Thea jokes.
“How’s that w-working out for you?” T questions.
“It’s a work in progress, but I think I’m going to keep him,” she murmurs, kissing the top of the baby’s head.
“She means she can’t get rid of me,” I clarify. “I really am sorry, Lyla. I’ve had my head in my ass for far too long.”
She smirks. “It’s probably a family trait. Thomas suffers the same problem from time to time.”
“You’ll pay for that later, Sunflower,” T laughs, not a stutter in sight.
Seeing my brother so happy soothes something inside me. I used to feel guilty, but T is where he belongs. I’ve fought that for a long time, but now I can see that it’s true.