Page 97 of Needing Her
“Jury’s still out,” I respond with a halfhearted smirk.
“Fair enough.” With a nod, he goes to the door.
Breaker is next. He stands and looks at me. I wait for whatever is brewing in that head of his. “You pull this shit again, Dom, and I’ll end you myself.”
“Fair enough.”
Bull is last. I wait for him to read me the riot act, or demand I stay away from his daughter. Instead, he sucker-punches me in the gut. He doesn’t hold back either. It’s so bad that I can’t catch my breath. I go down like a lead weight. My ass hits the floor hard. “My daughter is not moving to Tennessee. We get this shit sorted, then I expect you to keep her close to home.”
“Whatever Thea wants, she gets,” I wheeze. I try to ignore the tiny spark of hope that attempts to spark inside of me.
“Good enough,” Bull says, then heads out, while I’m still trying to recover from his hit.
I sure as hell hope they find something. If they don’t, I’m not sure what I’ll do. Life without Thea holds zero appeal.
Absolutely zero.
Chapter 44
Three Days Later
Today, I’m heading to T’s. He’ll hear what’s going on eventually. There’s no way to hide it. Dad offered to go with me, but I declined. Things are going to be tense enough. Plus, it just feels like something I need to do on my own. I need someone to talk to. My brother knows me better than anyone. He also knows Thea. Watching her hurt so much has gutted me. I have to find some way to fix this mess.
I’m praying the men that the club put on Gabby discovers something that will help. I need to know the truth. Only then can I figure out how to tackle this situation and get Thea back. I can’t live without her and if what Breaker is telling me is the truth, she misses me just as much. I’m praying T has forgiven me enough that I can talk to him.
I finally make it to the DC clubhouse. I sit outside in my truck for a few minutes, trying to calm my nerves. I’m worried about hurting T. I don’t think anything about Gabby could do that anymore. My brother is ridiculously happy with Lyla and baby Tamsin. Still, he could get pissed that I slept with Gabby after finding out what she did to both of us. I doubt he will give me the benefit of a doubt like Dad, Bull and Breaker are doing.
I finally get out of the truck. I’m wearing my Savage Brothers cut today. Breaker brought it over last night. I’m still not positive about coming back to the club, but it means something that they all have my back through this. They think it’s safer for me to enter DC territory with my cut, considering the Feral Kings are targeting us and the DC members. Wouldn’t want some of T’s club taking potshots at me, thinking I’m part of the Feral Kings.
When I make it to the entrance, I give my name. One guard uses a two-way radio and tells them I’m out here. When he gets the all-clear, he gives me directions to T’s office. Walking into the DC club house, I can’t stop the desperation from rolling through me as I look for T.
It took a lot of convincing myself before I could step foot in here—even if my brother is here. I have no idea how this happened. Well, I know how it happened, but I have no idea what to do about it. I need T to tell me everything will be fine. At this point, I don’t even care if he lies to me. I just need someone I trust to help me get my head straight. T has always been that man for me. Since he’s left the Savage Brothers, I feel his absence in my life daily.
I know I fucked up. I do. Now I’m overwhelmed and don’t know how to fix it. And here I am again, knowing that what I’m going to say may hurt my brother, yet needing his presence because I’m rocked to the core. I feel walls closing in and there’s no one safe to talk to about it except my brother. He also needs to hear this from me—not anyone else. I owe him that. I stomp through the clubhouse, looking for T, ready to get this over with.
As I turn a corner down a long hallway, I collide with King, the last person I want to see right now. I’m already in a mood and now I’m just pissed off. I don’t like the motherfucker. Something about him screams bad news. I admit some of that is because he could help T when I couldn’t. That is a bunch of horseshit. I don’t understand genetics but knowing a stranger could help my brother and I couldn’t, eats at me.
No matter who the motherfucker might be.
“Fucking watch it,” I snap, unable to stop from letting my anger unfurl as I look at him. He doesn’t budge.
“You think the world revolves around you. Someday you’re going to have to grow up, kid,” King says, with cool confidence. His cocky smile makes me want to punch him. The way he calls me kid makes my blood boil.
“I haven’t been a kid in a long time, old man,” I tell him, flexing my fingers, dying to ball my hand into a fist and knock that look off his face.
“All I see is a kid,” King spits out as he steps toward me. He’s at least a foot taller than I am, but I’ve taken down bigger.
Bring it on, motherfucker.
Before I can do anything, T steps between us, pushing us away from one another. I drop my hands, knowing there’s no way I’ll get to King now. I can’t piss T off when I came here for his help.
“Knock it off, you two. Wh-why are you here, Dom? Is something wrong with M-Mom or D-Dad?” T asks.
“No, I just need to talk to you. Something has happened and I don’t know how to deal with it. I need to talk to you, man.” Fuck, I hate being in this position.
“What?” T asks, looking me over.