Page 36 of Hers to Rule
“We’ll hire an impartial law witch to draw up a bonded contract.” She folded her hands, one over the other, on the table in front of her. “Your responsibilities and mine will be clearly laid out. The law witch handles the magical cut-over, and our bankers handle the money. Everyone is protected.”
“You’ll be tied to us, legally and magically,” Cisco said.
“That’s true.” Esmé smiled. “I’ll be invested in your success, but I think all of us have substantial things we can gain in this arrangement.”
“We’ll discuss it and get back to you tomorrow,” Cisco said.
“One more thing,” Esmé added after a few seconds. She locked eyes with Mari. “I’ll need you at the club right after management changes hands.”
“Whoa.” Cisco held up a hand. “That’s not something we want to force this early.”
“You’re worried that it will upset her,” Esmé purred. “That’s very sweet, but she should see the mess her father created before I fix it. And I also need everyone there to know what I’m doing is blessed by the new monarch.”
“I’m not a monarch,” Mari replied with annoyance.
“You are,” Esmé said, “even if you don’t want to be. The paranormals of Las Vegas need someone to keep them in line, and you’re it. Your father, bastard though he was, was far from the worst in the city, and he kept them all from each other’s throats.”
Mari suddenly realized something. “That’s really why you don’t want the job, isn’t it?”
Esmé inclined her head. “Guilty as charged. While I enjoy being the queen of my own hive, I don’t feel the need to be the queen of the city.”
“Too much responsibility.” Mari smiled. “We’ll talk about your offer and get back to you.”
Esmé and her two attendants rose as one. “It was good to see you all again.” She nodded at each one of them in turn. “Mariana. Francisco. Mario.”
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” Mari tried at the last second.
Esmé indicated the person on her right. “Willow.” And then the one on her left. “Hyssop.” She smiled indulgently. “Don’t worry if you can’t tell them apart. No one ever can but me.”
“Then they aren’t paying attention,” Rio said as he rose to bow to first Willow and then Hyssop. “Charmed.”
Willow, the one he’d had the brief conversation about the club with, didn’t quite smile. “It was nice to see you again under better circumstances.”
“Yes.” Rio paused briefly before turning to Esmé. “If you need help with Argento, you have my number.”
Esmé regarded him quietly for a moment and then turned to leave without responding.
Chapter 12
Mari waited for their guests to leave through the portal and then sighed with relief. “Well, that went better than it had any reason to.”
Cisco lounged back in his chair. “Do I want to know what the business with Willow was about?”
Rio shook his head. “Not unless you want to kill Argento before Esmé has a chance to.”
Cisco finished his coffee with a harsh gulp. “We’ll leave that alone, then.” His eyes searched out Mari’s. “What do you think of her offer?”
“I think we should accept it. None of us wants to deal with that place. She’s more than capable and seems inclined to work with us.”
“She has an agenda of her own,” Cisco murmured. “She always does.”
“I’m fine with her having an agenda as long as it doesn’t conflict with ours. And if she’s contracted to work for us, that seems less likely.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Cisco leaned to look at Rio. “You’ve spent more time at the club than me. How do you feel about it?”
“Esmé will do a good job.” Rio shrugged. “And she’s right. The people who will be put off by fewer people suffering aren’t the kind of people we want to encourage to hang around.”
Cisco turned back to Mari. “You don’t mind going to the club like she wants?”