Page 40 of Hers to Rule
Cisco sighed when he felt her relaxing against him. “How’s the car?” he asked Rio over the top of her head.
“That thing could withstand an apocalypse. Esmé and her folks took cover against it, and nothing even came close.”
“Basilio’s paranoia was good for something, after all.”
Rio snorted. “Not sure I’d go that far, but it’ll get us home for sure.”
Cisco scooped Mari up in his arms. “I’ll ride back with you.”
“You sure?” Rio sounded doubtful.
Cisco grunted. “It’s not going to kill me to ride in a car for half an hour, and I shouldn’t make such an attractive target for them just in case there are any snipers out there waiting for me.”
The ride home was fraught, and none of them spoke much. Cisco sat with a sour look on his face and his arm locked around Rio as if he was seeking comfort as much as offering it. For his part, Rio pet Cisco’s thigh, his fingers slow and soothing over the expensive material.
Chapter 13
The next morning, Mari and Rio enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of Giselle’s famous omelets out in the sun on the patio. The conversation was light and effortless as she rested her bare feet in his lap and drank her coffee. The casual contact set her at ease, and he seemed to blossom from it as much as she did. She’d never seen him so content just existing in the world.
After she slipped her feet into the heeled slides she’d chosen for the day, she turned to him and wrapped him in a hug. He seemed surprised at first, but his arms wound around her and pulled her close as he buried his face in the side of her neck.
“I just wanted to tell you that you mean the world to me,” she whispered. “Your kindness. Your company. It’s really kept me going.”
Rio pulled back and looked into her eyes. “It’s been my pleasure. You’ve helped me, too, more than you probably understand.”
Mari had some idea just from his change in demeanor, but hearing him say so touched her. She pushed herself up to kiss his cheek, pressing her mouth and nose to his skin after. They embraced for a moment that drew out long, enjoying the closeness.
“No schedule today? No rules?” Mari asked when she finally pulled away.
“Nope. He wanted me to take you to your office if you wanted to work, but the morning in ours.”
She didn’t miss the way he called it her office and not her father’s. When had that changed? “I’m tempted to drag you back to bed, but I should spend some time with the wards today.”
Rio smiled. “Midafternoon nap sounds good to me.”
Mari kissed his chin. “Is it still a nap if I’m planning to ravish you the entire time?”
“That’s the best kind of nap.” He winked and then took her hand, leading her to the house.
After pausing to talk to Giselle for a few minutes, they moved beyond the kitchen. Rather than stop at the door to her father’s office, Rio kept walking.
“I thought we were headed to the office?” Mari asked but didn’t stop their progress.
“Your office.” His lips curled slyly. “It’s at the front of the house, with Cisco’s.”
“He didn’t tell me he was doing that.” She followed along, feeling a bit dazed.
“He rushed the remodel because he thought you should have your own space that’s just yours. There’s some furniture in there now, but it can all go as soon as you decide what you want.”
They entered the vaulted entryway with its swooping gold details that always reminded her of her father, and Rio paused to twirl her once before facing the door that had once been the conference room that adjoined Cisco’s office. There was a piece of paper taped to the door that read: “Head Witch In Charge.”
He chuckled when he saw her expression. “The sign was my idea. We can workshop it.”
“Where’s he going to hold meetings?”
“He redid one of the other rooms and moved the meetings over there.” Rio nodded to the door to indicate she should go in.
She shook herself and then reached for the handle. When she entered, she discovered the room had truly been transformed. Where there had once been functional carpet, now gorgeous wood gleamed. Where there had once been cream paint, luxurious paper and wainscotting lined the walls. An impressive library had been built into one corner, with tall shelves that stood empty and a pair of plush chairs that looked comfortable. A thick curtain covered the French doors she knew led to Cisco’s office. Light poured in from a gorgeously intricate stained-glass window in a thousand shades of blue that took up nearly the entire exterior wall and certainly hadn’t been a feature of the room before. A lounge of the type she knew Rio preferred rested in the corner between the door and the window. Her mother’s desk sat under the window, basking in the blue-tinted light, the carved details evoking waves. “Where did he find that?”