Page 57 of Puck Shy
I smirk at her as she scoffs. “You play with fire, you get fire back, Cherry.”
One of her eyebrows lifts in challenge, and then she’s grabbing the pillow off the floor and firing at me again. I dodge it once more, the pillow sailing over my shoulder and almost knocking the lamp off the end table.
“If we break any more lamps, we’re going to have to buy them in bulk,” I tease. Between her love of jumping me when I walk through the door and the amount of group activities that have happened in my house since we started seeing each other, a fair share of lamps have been broken.
There’s also one thing I’ve learned about Stevie since she moved in with me. She loves pillow fights. Actually, all kinds of “fights.” She even brought over nerf guns from her apartment that we’ve used a couple of times. Leo likes to joke that she’ll keep us young forever, and I agree with him. It’s only one of the many things I love about her.
“I hate that lamp anyway,” she teases.
I look at the boring white lamp then back at her. “You’re the one who insisted we get the cheaper one since we’d break it again.”
She shrugs. “I know. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“You’re nuts, you know that?”
“But I’m your kind of nuts.”
My heart beats a little faster at her words. “You are. And I’m yours.”
She smiles at my reply then reaches her hand out so I can take it. Our palms meld together, and I feel peace inside every part of me, a peace I didn’t even know was possible until I found her. Sure, we’ve had a few fights. But surprisingly, everything between us has been easy. So easy, in fact, that one time, Stevie started a fight over the fact I forgot to order Crab Rangoon with our takeout. She said it wasn’t normal for couples not to fight, so she was trying it out.
That was the dumbest shit I’ve ever experienced, but I love every second of it, because it explains her to a T. I constantly remind her that just because nothing is wrong doesn’t mean something should be wrong. I’m secure in who I am. I’m getting too old to deal with what people think about me. I also just want to enjoy life and see where it leads me. Thankfully, Stevie feels the same. That’s why we work.
We never put pressure on ourselves to be people we aren’t. We go with the flow. Maybe, one day, we’ll have a kid or two who I can teach to play hockey or whatever the hell they want to do in life. But if not, I can coach peewee or volunteer somewhere. I don’t need Stevie to give me something that she doesn’t want. I just want her. And she’s given me that tenfold.
When I feel her hand leave mine and the couch move, it takes her all but a few seconds to situate herself over me, placing her knees on the sides of my thighs and her hands behind me so her fingers can play with the hair at the nape of my neck.
“What were you thinking about?”
“Your huge boobs,” I say, putting my face on her T-shirt clad chest and motorboating them the best I can through the material.
She cackles. “Good, because I was thinking about your huge dick.” She grinds herself on me as she says it, and I let out a groan.
“Cock tease.”
“Pussy tease,” she shoots back.
I run my hands down her back then find my way under the waistband of her sweats so I’m cupping her ass in my hands. When I feel a lacy thong beneath my fingers, my cock hardens. “Did you wear cute underwear for me?”
“I was hoping I’d get lucky on Valentine’s Day for our one-year anniversary.”
My lips turn up. “Were you now?”
She grinds into me again. “You said you were too tired to go to the club. But I figured we could at least have a party of two. You can fuck me against the windows so we can scandalize our neighbor again. Maybe she’ll call the cops this time.”
I nip at Stevie’s neck, and she yelps. “I have a better idea.”
“Are you going to share with the class?”
I look over her shoulder at the clock on the wall and see it’s exactly nine o’clock on the dot. When the doorbell rings not a minute later, I can’t help the sly grin that overcomes my face.
“Your presents are at the door.”
Stevie’s face lights up. “Plural?”
“Only the best for my Cherry.”
Her cheeks blush a light pink, and then she’s pecking me on the lips before hopping off my lap to go greet our guests. The sound of her delighted squeals hit my ears before I can see who she let in. I’m just glad she’s this excited. I know tonight is both the anniversary of when we met and Valentine’s Day, but Stevie is always happy to share and be shared. I shouldn’t be surprised that the gift I chose for her today has made her happy. Especially because I asked two of her favorite people to come tonight.