Page 21 of Beautiful Villain
Holding my breath, I wait to see if she wakes up again, but her eyelids don’t even flutter, her muscles going lax as all of the tension leaves her.
“Alena.” She doesn’t stir. “Alena,” I call again louder, but still, she doesn’t move or do anything to suggest she can hear me. Bending down, I get onto my knees, then reach for her, running the back of my knuckles over the apple of her cheek.
Her skin is soft, but slightly cool to the touch. Curling my arms under her, I slide her from beneath the table then stand, bringing her with me, her prone body cradled in my arms. Exiting the closet, I walk to the bed, and lower her to the mattress. She’s still in the clothes she was wearing when we picked her up yesterday and I wrinkle my nose, imagining how dirty she must feel.
Moving down to the end of the bed, I start at her feet, unlacing the scuffed and worn boots and pulling them off, dropping them on the floor. I remove her socks next, smiling silently at the fact that one’s pink, while the other is green. Moving to her waist, I pause over the button on her jeans, then reach down and unfasten it, sliding the zipper down before I pull the tight, threadbare denim over her hips, revealing cotton underwear that must originally have been white, but is now a dull gray color. Dragging the jeans off her feet, I drop them to the floor with the other things, then move upward.
Her shirt is black, the raw hem sitting just above her belly button, and clinging to her body like a second skin. I already know that her chest is bare beneath the fabric, but I still suck in an awed breath when I inch the shirt upward exposing her full, high tits and rosy pink nipples.
Lifting her head with one hand, I slide the fabric over her face, pulling it free of her hair and leaving her naked, except for her ugly gray panties. A voice in the back of my mind tells me to leave her underwear on and if I was a better man, I would. But I’m not a good man, I never have been, so I hook my fingers into the waist and slide them down and off, until she’s completely exposed to my hungry gaze.
Ignoring the pile of clothes on the floor, I walk into the bathroom and start the bath, running the water until it’s the right temperature. Grabbing a cloth, soap, shampoo, and conditioner, I head back into the bedroom and lift her into my arms again. Placing her in the warm water, I wait for her to wake up, but when it’s clear she isn’t going to, I coat the cloth in soap and then supporting her head with one hand, I bathe her.
Starting with her arms, I rub the soapy cloth over her limbs, cleaning her skin while avoiding her breasts and pussy. When the rest of her is clean, I drop the cloth and apply soap to my palm instead. Stroking my hand over first one breast, then the other, I coat her skin and nipple in soap, learning the curves of each tit before stroking my thumb over her pebbled nipples. Getting more soap, I slide my hand between her thighs, parting her legs so I can watch as my fingers move between her folds.
Her mound is mostly bare, with just a neat strip of hair down the center. For a moment I consider shaving her, removing all of her hair, so she’s smooth, ready to be licked and teased, but eventually decide against it. I want her to be awake and aware when I prepare her body just the way I like it.
Finding her clit, I push back the hood and circle it with my finger, then move lower and slide a single finger into her cunt. She’s hot and obscenely tight, her muscles fighting me as I try to push a second in to join the first.
Despite her unconscious state, her cunt is wet, preparing itself even as her body is unaware and I push my fingers in and out, stretching her. It wouldn’t take much to lift her from the tub, part her legs and replace my fingers with my cock. I could push my dick into her heat and claim her right here and now on the bathroom floor. But the first time I take her, I want to watch her eyes widen as my dick stretches her. I want to see the moment she realizes she belongs to me. And as tempting as she is, I won’t use her when she’s unconscious. At least not the first time.
Sliding lower, I find her ass, pressing the tip of my fingers against the ring of muscle. When it doesn’t immediately relax, I push a little harder and eventually, the muscle gives way and the tip of my finger slides into her. From the way her body tries to push me back out, it’s obvious she doesn’t regularly indulge in ass play, but that’s something she’ll need to learn to love. Because all three of us will be getting in this tight ass of hers and it’ll be better for all of us if she’s enjoying it as much as we will.
I fuck her ass in slow, shallow thrusts for a moment, then pull my finger free and quickly wash and condition her hair. Once I’m finished, I lift her from the tub and wrap her in a towel, drying as much of her skin as I can. I’m soaked by the time I pull back the covers and lay her back down on the bed, so I enter the closet and quickly change, pulling on sweats and a shirt, rather than a suit, like I usually wear.
Opening up a drawer in her dresser, I find it full of sexy silk and lace teddies, but no pajamas that weren’t intended to be taken off. Giving up on her side of the closet, I pull a soft T-shirt from my dresser and head back to her, carefully pulling it over her head and sliding it down her body.
Returning to the bathroom, I find a hairbrush, then brush out her wet hair, pulling it over her shoulder and plaiting it. I’ve just pulled the covers up to her waist when Roza knocks on the door, the doctor standing beside her.
“Dr. Wood, come in.” I politely order, nodding dismissively at Roza, who glances worriedly at the girl before turning and leaving.
“Is she asleep?” he asks quietly. “I can come back.”
“That won’t be necessary, please come in.”
The doctor’s brow furrows, but he steps forward because that’s what I’m paying him to do. He doesn’t know all the details, but he’s the one who calculated the dose of sedative to keep her unconscious while we transported her to the island, and though he doesn’t know for certain, he must suspect that she’s not here of her own free will.
“She’s sedated,” I tell him simply without offering any more of an explanation. “I got her to drink some water, but she’s still dehydrated so if you could put in an IV, it can be administered while she’s asleep.”
His lips part and I can see the indecision in his face, but he must decide that the obscene amount of money we’re paying him to be the resident doctor for the island—and the fact that he would almost certainly be killed by some rather unpleasant men he owes money to if he were to step foot back onto US soil—outweigh his moral objections.
Stepping up to the side of the bed, he places his leather bag on the comforter next to her and then starts to lift out the items he’ll need to insert the IV that will administer the fluids she needs. He even has a folding stand that he pushes together and hooks the bag of fluid to. I watch as he pushes the needle into her vein, taping it in place then checking the bag before stepping back.
“I’d like you to do a full examination on her too. We couldn’t find any medical records to suggest she’s had any illnesses that have required medical care in the last year, and there’s nothing of concern about her childhood medical records, but I want bloodwork done to check she’s free of all diseases.”
“I don’t…” he starts.
“I’m aware that you don’t have the facilities to do that kind of testing on the island, so my men will escort you to the mainland.”
“Perhaps we should wait,” he starts again.
“Now. Dr. Wood,” I say, my tone flat and full of warning.
Sighing, he nods, then steps forward, pulling out more medical equipment as he starts to examine her. Fifteen minutes later, he slides three vials of blood into his medical bag, and starts to pack away his equipment.
“I’d like you to remove the birth control implant she has in her arm,” I tell him stoically.
“Mr. Belov,” he gasps.