Page 19 of Date With Danger
But I’ll find him.
“Harris.” Ford approaches me. “Why is it you keep running into the same woman?”
“I’ve got a theory—” Cruz begins but she’s cut off by a raise of his fist. She falls silent, dropping back a step.
“What are distractions?” he barks at me.
“A liability, sir.”
His eyes narrow. “A death sentence. Find Hawthorne. Watch him. I want the evidence to put him behind bars before he hurts anyone else.”
I stand straighter and nearly salute him before remembering I’m not in the military anymore. He spins on his heel and leaves. I wait ten seconds before following him out.
“Maybe there’s an avenue we haven’t considered yet.” Cruz catches up to me in the hall.
“Like what?” I bark at her, then instantly regret it.
But it doesn’t faze her. She’s been with the division for a year, she’s used to grumpy men.
“Maybe our suspect is trailing her.”
I stop walking. The blood in my veins slows to a crawl. That is an avenue I haven’t considered. And I don’t want to.
“It’s just a coincidence.” I force out the words.
“It could be. Or,” she tightens her pitch-black ponytail, "your girlfriend could be in danger.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
Cruz shrugs a shoulder. “I’m just saying. What if we follow her? Maybe Liam will show up?”
“It was a coincidence,” I mutter again, and keep walking.
“Twice could be a coincidence,” she concedes. “But if it happens again…” Her voice trails off. I know. If it happens again, it’s definitely not a coincidence and Amelia is in danger. Or she’s as much trouble as Hawthorne is.
Chapter 8
“Where are you meeting him?” Maddie’s voice sounds over the phone’s speaker as I pull into the parking lot of Murphy’s Steakhouse for my second attempt at a date with Chad.
“Here.” I tap on my phone. “I sent you my location.”
“Got it,” she says. “One hour. You text me in one hour or I’m coming there in my bathrobe.”
I chuckle. “The only person you’ll embarrass is yourself.”
“Where are you going in a bathrobe?” I hear my brother's husky voice through the phone.
I try not to gag, but I’m utterly unsuccessful.
“To embarrass Millie’s date,” Maddie says quickly.
“Maddie!” That was supposed to be a secret. Connor hated Justin. I don’t want to give him a chance to hate someone I haven’t even met yet.
“Count me in,” Connor says. “I’ll wear a Speedo.”
I roll my eyes. “Again, the only people you’ll embarrass are yourselves.”