Page 41 of Date With Danger
Everyone knows this.
Caleb hops out of the van and opens the door for me. Good to see he’s finally doing his part to keep chivalry alive.
“Could you, uh, maybe walk me to my apartment? I’m a bit shaken up.” I say, wringing the jacket in my hands.
“Of course.” He nods once and tells Serena he’ll be back in a few minutes.
Now who's eating up my act? I’m a much better actress than he gives me credit for.
It’s only him and me in the dim hallways. This is the chance I’ve been waiting for all night. To ask the deep questions.
“If your life was made into a movie, who would you want to play you?” I ask, heading for the stairwell.
He grunts. “No one would watch a movie about my life.”
“Just play along, Mr. Scrooge. Pick a celebrity.”
He sighs and starts on the next flight of stairs. I forgot how hard it is to walk up stairs and make conversation.
“I guess Henry Cavill.”
I study his side profile in the terrible light. “I could see that. You both have butt chins.”
He stops walking. “What?”
“That.” I reach up and poke the dimple in his chin.
“That is not what it’s called.” He brushes my hand away and rubs his chin thoughtfully.
“Sure it is. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s adorable.”
He trips over a step but keeps facing forward like it didn’t happen. “What about you? Which actress?”
I grin. He asked me a question that didn’t have anything to do with my date or trying to get rid of me.
“Millie Bobby Brown of course. For the namesake, but also because she’s one of the most beautiful and talented actresses in my opinion.”
“Isn’t she also British?” he asks.
“Simple. I’ll change myself,” I say with an accent. “How’s this?”
“Horrendous.” He chuckles. “You don’t need to change, Amelia.”
My steps slow as a warmth grows in my chest. I heard the opposite so many times from Justin that I’m not sure what to think.
Caleb doesn’t think I’m too much.
I know, I shouldn’t read into it, but screw it, I’m reading into it. His words are like a Band-Aid on my bleeding heart. They won’t stitch it back together, but for now, it’s holding it in place until I can get the bleeding to slow.
Caleb stops outside my door. “Well, thank you again for your help. Sorry, we put you through all that for nothing.”
I bite the inside of my cheek. “Would you have preferred he take me hostage?”
“No.” He rakes a hand through his hair. “Sorry, that came out wrong. I’m frustrated by this case and I’m no closer to figuring out why he’s here or how to lock him up.”
I wish I could offer him words of encouragement, but despite all my pretending, I’m not Shawn Spencer. I can’t find clues where there are none and point Caleb in the right direction. I can barely find my phone from hour to hour. I don’t know if he will find the right guy behind all these crimes. And that thought alone makes my skin crawl.
Nerves creep up my spine and I throw myself at his chest, burying my face between his glorious pectoral muscles.