Page 75 of Date With Danger
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
The detective looks at me until the eye contact becomes uncomfortable. Then he abruptly stands and walks out of the room. It’s silent, until the rest of us stand and filter out of the room as well.
Connor steps in front of Caleb, puffing out his chest, exaggerating the three inches he has on him in height. “I’ll take Millie to get her stuff.”
Caleb is undeterred by my idiot brother’s attempt at intimidation. “Sure. Do you have a gun on you in case the killer comes back?”
Connor glares at Caleb then turns to whisper something to Maddie.
“She’ll be fine,” Maddie whispers back. “I trust Caleb.”
Connor makes a sound of disbelief but concedes. “Well, I’ll follow you so I can bring her back to my place.”
Why is he talking about me like I’m a child? I’m standing right here and more than capable of making my own choices. And based on where we are right now, I’m clearly doing a bang-up job.
Caleb opens his mouth, but I cut him off.
“Actually, before you got here the detective said it wouldn’t be safe to stay with family. You should stay over at Maddie’s, and I’ll stay with Caleb.”
Caleb coughs, and it’s one heck of an irritation that must be lodged in his lungs because I’m afraid I’m going to have to jump on him and give him the Heimlich.
I mean hit his back.
I probably should have run this idea by him first. But I can’t stay with Connor right now. I love him more than anything, and I won’t put him or Maddie in danger. They are all I have left. But also, I can’t handle his over-protectiveness. He thought when Mom and Dad died he needed to be my parent and protect me, regardless of the fact that I’m older than him, and an adult. He sacrificed his life savings, covering bills I didn’t know existed for years so that I could stay in my parents' house. It’s time to do something for him in return.
“You’re not staying with him,” Connor says, eyeing Caleb like he’s some sort of killer. If only he knew I’ve been dating one.
Caleb takes a deep breath, regaining control of himself.
“I can make my own decisions,” I retort. “And I will not put you guys in danger. Besides, Caleb already offered.”
There’s Caleb’s cough again. At this point, he really shouldn’t be surprised by what comes out of my mouth.
Connor stiffens, clenching the briefcase which I know he only carries for aesthetics. “Of course, he would offer to let you stay in his bed.”
Caleb’s coughing again. He should really get that checked out.
Maddie grabs Connor’s arm and hauls him down the hall. She doesn’t release him when they stop but lays into him instead. Yelling at him about being overprotective of me and allowing me to make my own decisions.
“They’re engaged?” Caleb asks in disbelief.
The fighting stops, only because they are now kissing at a PG-13 level. A couple more ratings and they might end up behind bars themselves.
“I know, cute, huh?”
Caleb scratches his jaw. “That’s not the first word that comes to my mind.”
The detective scoots by them in the hall, shooting them a glare.
How embarrassing. They are supposed to be professionals.
They break apart and meet back up with us, Connor’s face impressively calm compared to what he was a few moments ago.
“Okay,” he says. “But you need to call me every day so I know you’re okay.”
“Deal.” I leap forward and hug him.
He hugs me tight in return. His embrace is warm and familiar. When was the last time we hugged? We will have to remedy this from now on.