Page 93 of Surface Pressure
“Will the planet survive?”
“You already staking out a piece to call your own?” Marshall chuckled.
“It’s beautiful, Marshall.” Of course she had. From the moment she decided she would do everything in her power to help Soulara and her people survive, she knew where home would always be for her.
She smiled as she thought again about the warm days lying naked on the beach with Soulara, the water lapping over them and Soulara’s scales glinting in the sunshine. She imagined finding a way to live on their island, and to swim beneath the water, even if it were only for small moments at a time. Every one of them would be worth it.
“It is. And we’ll make sure you get to keep your home.”
Marshall stood in the line of the trees while Autumn stood ankle deep in the water. It seemed like lifetimes ago when Autumn hadn’t known what the embrace and caress of water felt like. Now, it lapped around her ankles and eased the nerves that caused her pulse to thump away at her temples.
Her fingers still trembled as she ran them over the soul stone in her pocket. The warmth in her chest came faster than it had the previous time, and she smiled. Had Soulara told Nylah to be ready to hear from Autumn? The faith Soulara put in her filled her heart with joy and just a little nervousness.
Was she really worthy of that level of faith and trust?
Soulara believed so, and Autumn would spend the rest of her days proving her right.
Closing her eyes, Autumn thought as loudly and as clearly as she could to Nylah.
Please ask her to come. Tell her Marshall is on our side, and he is going to help us win.
Autumn’s shoulders dropped a little as the warmth from the soul stone soothed the nerves she had been feeling. Autumn nodded, staring out over the water. It was one of the many signs she and Marshall had worked out before they left the tech room during their late-night rendezvous.
Step one done. Autumn sat in the sand to wait. She hoped Soulara wouldn’t take as long to come this time. She wanted to see her. Autumn also wanted to rid herself of the fear in the back of her mind that they would be caught. That despite Soulara’s promises she would die horribly, drowned in the mechanical monsters she hated with all her might.
But it wasn’t long at all.
Autumn saw Nylah first, the real solid ray who came as close to the shore as they dared, lifting one fin and then the other. It took all of Autumn’s self-control not to lift her hand and wave.
She scanned the water, her heartbeat picking up speed when it took far too long and far too many sweeps over the horizon for her to see Soulara’s head come out of the water. Her silver hair glistened as brightly as the sparkles of light winking on top of the water.
Soulara disappeared and then in moments resurfaced so much closer that Autumn let out a small gasp. She knew Soulara was fast, but seeing the speed demonstrated so effortlessly in front of her was incredible.
Autumn watched as Soulara came closer. She wondered how Soulara could be so close now and still only have her head out of the water.
Their eyes locked, and Soulara pointedly shifted her gaze from Autumn to the line of trees and back again. Autumn understood and slowly with intentional exaggeration nodded and smiled back at Soulara.
Soulara closed her eyes, and for a moment Autumn feared that the faith and trust Soulara had in her did actually come with limitations.
“Come into the water, please,” Soulara called out on the breeze, a soft melody of rustled leaves and whispering trees.
Autumn smiled. She was being ridiculous. Soulara trusted her.
When Autumn reached Soulara, the water had lapped up as far as the bottom of her ribs. Soulara met Autumn at eye level, her breasts glistening in the sun while rivulets of water ran from the tips of her hair. Autumn noticed that not a single scale of Soulara’s tail could be seen above the water. She didn’t begrudge Soulara the caution though it hurt a little to know that there really might be a limit to her trust.
“Hold your breath, my love.”
“So it’s another kidnapping, is it?” Autumn winked. The tension she had felt as she walked into the water dissolved the moment Soulara’s soft voice tickled her cheek.
“I prefer to call it foreplay.”
Before Autumn could respond, Soulara’s arms wrapped around her waist. Autumn had just enough time to gulp a lungful of air before the water washed over her. Soulara moved them through the water at even greater speed than Autumn had experienced before.
She would have laughed at the sensation if it wouldn’t have risked her precious air supply. Though the temptation to laugh anyway almost overtook her. This was what others spoke about. That line between pleasure and pain—or for Autumn, fear and joy. It didn’t really matter what names she put on it.
All she knew was that this was the beginning of a whole new life. A life of her own choosing. A life she could be proud of.