Page 102 of Game of Revenge
“I got taken because Richard stole diamonds from some cartel in Mexico. They wanted the diamonds back.”
Iris put her hand over her mouth, holding in a gasp. Keisha’s eyes grew wide, and Chloe shook her head.
“I don’t know what dealings he had with them, how he knew to steal those diamonds in the first place. But that’s what happened. They took me on my birthday when they couldn’t find them in his safe. He wouldn’t budge, though. They tried to negotiate with him, but he wouldn’t give them the diamonds in exchange for me.”
“Fucking bastard,” said Keisha.
We all stayed silent for a bit. Iris held me in her arms while Keisha held my hand in hers. Chloe kneeled in front of me, her hands on my knees. She was too perceptive to be satisfied.
“How do you know all this?”
I hesitated. Talking about Alejandro…that was the hard part of it all. Harder than the kidnapping. Harder than Richard’s betrayal.
“I tried to escape a couple of times. The first time was just a few days in. Well, I did escape, but the person who I ran into on the street, he…he was semi-connected with the kidnappers. He took me, against my will, to his house and held me there. He didn’t hurt me,” I quickly added. It was important to me that they knew.
“He kept me there, but I was fed, clothed, staying in this gorgeous house with this…mysterious man who tried to make me comfortable but wouldn’t tell me much of what was going on. Until he did. He explained who he was—his name is Alejandro—and why I was taken. His brother got killed when Richard attacked the shop to take the diamonds. He wanted revenge. The cartel told him they would give him the video of the crime, showing Richard clearly shooting people, including his brother, if he helped them find the diamonds. He lives here, too. So he got close to Richard to break into his house and look for the diamonds. When they didn’t find them, the cartel decided to take me. He wasn’t able to stop them.”
“Bullshit,” said Keisha. Iris shot her a stare. She sighed. “Sorry.”
All I could do was smile. Any of my friends would stab Alejandro for me if they could.
“I believe him. I believe him because when Richard found out where I was, he sent people—not to rescue me, but to kill me so they wouldn’t have something to hold against him anymore. Alejandro saved my life. He took a bullet for me, using his body as a shield.”
Tears started pouring out of me again at the memory of the man I loved bleeding all over, almost dying in my arms.
Chloe eyes went wide.
“Oh my God,” said Iris.
“That's some crazy shit,” said Chloe.
“Yes, yes, it is,” I said as I laughed and cried.
“Anyway, I plotted with Alejandro’s girlfriend to get that picture of me in the news, asking for two million dollars, to force Richard’s hand. Alejandro was furious.”
“Did he hurt you?” asked Keisha as she swallowed.
“No,” I answered, smiling against my better judgment. “He didn’t want to risk my life for the diamonds.”
Chloe searched my eyes, a small smile drawing on her lips. Keisha just looked startled, looking at the both of us.
“Okay. What is going on?” asked Iris.
“He seems awfully concerned about the safety of someone he kept captive, doesn't he?” asked Chloe.
I swallowed, hard. I needed to say it.
“I slept with him.”
“What the fuck?” Iris blurted out.
We all turned to her. Iris, my most prim and proper friend, the only trust-fund baby of the group—well, until now—didn’t generally use curse words.
“What?” she asked, the picture of innocence.
We all exploded with laughter when she looked at us with a confused look on her face.
“’What the fuck’ is exactly right,” said Keisha in between laughter.