Page 107 of Game of Revenge
“Yes. I was born into terrible circumstances. I had no choice. But when I met your mother, I saw an opportunity to get out. She had some money from her parents, and she had invested in an American business. I wanted a different life. I needed to belong here. I needed my past gone. I needed to be an American. We decided to move here, but she died. And I kept you. I kept you. Remember that.”
“You did. But you were never a father to me. You kept me for my mother’s shares. That's it.”
Richard looked like I had slapped him, his eyes wide.
“Yes, I know.”
“No, you don't. When your mom invested, the company was nothing like it is now. I built it up, made it the empire it is today.”
“By stealing from me. You used my money for everything.”
“Didn’t I take care of you? Give you everything you ever wanted?”
“No, not everything. I didn’t have your love. I didn’t have a dad. I had a man who treated me like an inconvenience.”
“Don’t say that,” he begged, his eyes wet.
I didn’t want to feel sympathy. I didn’t want to take pity on him.
Time had passed, and, the sleep-deprived man who had already lost some weight tugged at my heart. His frown lines were more pronounced, and he had more wrinkles around his eyes. This was no longer the strong man who used to terrify me. My heart wanted to go to him, even if he didn’t deserve it. I had to get out of there.
“Don’t leave me like this, Amelia” he begged, panicked, looking at the prison guards walking around us. “After all I have done for you. I need you. I need you to testify in my favor in court.”
I laughed, the sympathy I had left washed away by his audacity. He was once again trying to manipulate me, and I almost let him.
“You did take care of me, Richard, but for interest. And I know you don’t love me. You never did. I got kidnapped because of you! Because of your greed! Those people you stole from…I know, Richard! I know what you did!”
“It was you? It was you!!! YOU! YOU took my diamonds!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I said slowly, a devious smile on my face.
Richard stood and took a step back, recognizing in me his biggest and most dangerous enemy. I enjoyed the fear and shock in his eyes for a few seconds more.
“You never loved me. You used me. The worst part is, I would have let you do exactly as you did. You were my father, Richard, whether you wanted it or not. And for your love, I would have given you all of it, without blinking an eye. I was just a kid who wanted the love of a parent. You chose not to give me that. You chose your greed, your need to belong. You chose your hatred for your own country. You took classes just to get rid of your accent. You hate me because I remind you of that life you left behind. But I was innocent. I was just a girl, who desperately wanted a dad.”
“Amelia…I’m so sorry.”
My throat closed. I wouldn’t sob in front of him. I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction, so I walked away before it was too late.
“What was he talking about?” asked Nicholas as we got to the parking lot.
“I am swearing you to secrecy as my attorney.”
“Of course.”
I sighed.
“The people who took me…they did it because Richard stole their diamonds. That video of him killing that man…that’s what it was about, stealing diamonds.”
“I can't believe this!”
“You better. That’s why it took so long for me to be released. He left me there to die. He wasn’t going to give them back.”
“How do you know all of this?”
“I, uh…overheard some conversations when I was in captivity…” I turned around, avoiding his gaze, ashamed that after all he had done for me, I was lying to protect Alejandro.
“Did you take those diamonds?”