Page 30 of Game of Revenge
“Oh god,” I whispered, feeling myself about to fall over the edge.
I wanted nothing more. Nothing else mattered other than the sensations coursing through me in that moment.
Alejandro groaned with pleasure when he felt how much I wanted him. I moaned, my body trembling in anticipation, feeling the tips of his fingers, eagerly waiting to feel them warm and hungry inside of me.
“Can he get you wet like this?” he whispered in my ear.
I suddenly opened my eyes, confused, processing the wake-up call. He was referring to George. I was just a competitive game to him. He was using my attraction to him to satisfy his pride. I pushed him away violently.
“How dare you?!” I shouted as I stood up, trying to compose myself.
He was breathing very heavily, but he had this perverse look of anger and satisfaction on his face. That smirk, making me understand that he had done all of this to prove a point, to prove how much control he had over me.
Disgusted with myself, blinded by shame, I approached him and slapped him with all my strength. He grabbed my other hand and pulled me close to him, grabbing my wrists and strongly holding them behind my back.
“UGH! Let me go!” I shrieked, hating my weakness.
“Stop moving!” he ordered, but of course I wouldn’t. Having him so close and being so angry drove me mad, and I needed to get away, but he refused to let me go.
“Calm down!”
“Let me go! Let me go home! I can’t take this anymore!” I yelled as the tears I was holding in rolled hot down my face.
Alejandro’s smile disappeared to make space for tight lips and sudden concern in his eyes. He let go of his grip, and I pushed him away with all my strength.
“I hate you!” I screamed at him.
I was in so much pain I felt like I could faint. I ran away from him, going up the stairs as fast as my trembling body would allow.
“Amelia, wait!”
There was no waiting. I was choking. I finally got to the stairs and was about to run up to my room when I almost ran into Karina. She looked at my swollen, red face with a smile. She was wearing a very revealing negligée, clearly ready for a night of passion with Alejandro.
I knew he had quickly caught up to me, but I couldn’t look back. It would kill me. I continued running until I made it to the bedroom. As I broke down on the bed, I felt like life had just left my body.
Chapter 13
My body felt numb the next day, but I ate some of the food Dolores brought me.
I didn’t miss how concerned Dolores looked when she noticed I was barely eating. I was also less talkative and not as inquisitive as usual. Usually, Dolores and I would chat for bit. I would ask her questions about her life or about Alejandro’s childhood. This time, she commented on how I hadn’t moved from one side of the bed. She was right, as the only time I got up was to use the bathroom.
When nighttime came, I didn’t want to stay alone with my thoughts, but Dolores had already taken my barely eaten dinner away. I decided to sit down and write. I was disgusted and could not process what was happening to me.
If Alejandro had decided to take me right there, on top of the table, surrounded by wine bottles of all ages, I would have let it happen. Worse yet, I had wanted it to happen, while his girlfriend was apparently upstairs waiting for him. I had opened my thighs to him, hungrily. I had trembled in anticipation of his touch and felt the tremors of what it would have felt like to have him inside of me, pushing and pulling until we reached satisfaction.
What I imagined was blind desire for me had just been a traitorous ruse on his end to satisfy his pride. He wanted me to know that all it took was one touch from him to get me to do what he wanted, even as his prisoner. For some reason, that mattered to him. That was why he had brought up George.
I couldn’t believe I had slapped him. I had never slapped someone before, and I regretted it. All I wanted now was to leave, go back home, and forget I ever met him. I wanted to go back to thinking that passive happiness with George would be enough, that passive desire for sexual satisfaction was just how it was.
I wanted to un-taste his dark, hypnotic self and un-smell his intoxicating scent.
I wanted my ignorance back, my unawareness of how my body could come alive with just one look, just one touch, tortured by anticipation.
I had a career waiting for me that I hadn’t gotten to start. I didn’t know how long I could continue to take this sweet and torturous confinement with this man. While I had intended to be the one to seduce, I feared I was the one falling for my own trick.
The next day was almost the same. After a shower, I was back in bed without the will to do anything else. Alejandro had not requested my company, which was for the best, despite the infuriating sadness I felt at not having seen him in two days. All I could think of were ways to escape or to find out why I was here in the first place.
Dolores forced me to eat half of a sandwich during lunch, but I didn’t touch my dinner. When she came back in to take my tray, I asked her to please take me to the library so I could return a book and grab another.